Pani câ meusa: Palermo's sloppy offal sandwich

A close up of pani ca meusa, a sandwich with veal spleen,

Pani câ meusa, the sandwich born in Palermo that's a must for all visitors. Credit: Sofia Levin

The Sicilian capital Palermo is a street food paradise and one must-try delicacy is pani câ meusa - literally 'bread with spleen'. It's a sloppy panino with an unmistakable smell that is much loved by Palermo locals, as well as visitors like food journalist Sofia Levin.

  • Spleen is not the most outlandish meat you will find in pani câ meusa
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  • Palermo is the city that never sleeps and never stops eating
Pani câ meusa is one of the most popular panini available from Palermo's street food vendors.

The capital of Sicily has long been known as a street food paradise. Even substantial snacks like these offal sandwiches are cooked and consumed in the city's streets at all hours.

It is believed the was originally invented by Jewish butchers in Palermo, part of a large Jewish community living there around 1000 years ago.

It's not just locals that are fans. Journalist and food lover Sophia Levin relishes the sloppy, smelly, lard-heavy treat made with veal offcuts.
I think it would make the best hangover food! After a night out at 4-5am, line the stomach with some spleen and then you'd be ready to go for the day.
Sofia Levin
Sofia Levin eating pasta in Sicily
Food journalist Sofia Levin on her recent visit to Palermo.
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Pani câ meusa: Palermo's sloppy offal sandwich

SBS Italian

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