How did K-pop become a global phenomenon?

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JYLPO and AnSo with Shona Yang and Harry Jun

You’ve probably heard of BTS and Blackpink but there’s more to Korean music than just K-pop. With the spread of Korean culture around the world, Korean music is having its moment in the spotlight. Beyond the catchy tunes and cute dance moves that make up the K-pop industry, discover the world of K-indie, K-rap and more. Joined by emerging Korean-Australian musicians AnSo and JYLPO, Shona and Harry delve into how Korean music impacts Korean-Australians.

When someone says Korean music, most of us think of K-pop. But there’s more to Korean music than you might know.

Say Kimchi is a podcast about Korean culture but not as you know it. Hosts Shona Yang and Harry Jun offer a snapshot of Korean culture through a Korean-Australian lens.

In this episode, Shona and Harry chat with emerging artists and who are challenging the perceived dimensions of ‘Korean music’.
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How did K-pop become a global phenomenon?

SBS Audio

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Produced by SBS Audio: Max Gosford, Niko Plaskasovitis and Micky Grossman
