What does it mean to be Korean Australian?

Say Kimchi ep 1 Harry Jun Shona Yang.png

Shona Yang and Harry Jun host the SBS Audio podcast Say Kimchi

Say Kimchi is a podcast about Korean culture but not as you know it - it's a snapshot of Korean culture through a Korean-Australian lens. In this first episode, meet hosts Shona Yang and Harry Jun. They talk candidly about unpacking their cultural identity and experiences growing up as Australian-born Koreans, as well as stereotypes and the popularity of K-beauty, K-pop, Korean food and more.

While there are plenty of Korean-American stories that explore the Korean diaspora experience, there are very few examples of Korean-Australian stories in media or online. But the Korean-Australian experience is as unique as it is rich and full of nuance.

Shona and Harry recently visited Korea and were confronted with questions about their own cultural identity. What does it mean to be Korean? What does it mean to be Australian? How does proficiency in the Korean language affect your cultural identity?

In this episode Shona and Harry discuss their cultural identities as Australian-born Koreans and how those identities intertwine with place, language and community.
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What does it mean to be Korean Australian?

SBS Audio

Follow Say Kimchi in your podcast player or the SBS Audio app. Tag us on socials using #saykimchisbs, and get in touch by emailing [email protected]

Hosted by Shona Yang and Harry Jun
Produced by SBS Audio: Max Gosford, Niko Plaskasovitis and Micky Grossman
