Parneet saw Indian cricket bowler Umesh Yadav on TV and copied his style and became a pacer in her team. Further, she got motivation form Indian women cricket team star Harmanpreet Kaur. At one stage, Parneet had almost stopped playing cricket but watching Harmanpreet in the practice grounds gave her immense confidence to continue and she decided to go back to cricket.SBS Punjabi's talk with Parneet ended with a fantastic message, inviting all Punjabi girls to come forward and try non-traditional games like cricket. Parneet strongly believes that not only in Australia but womens cricket is getting recognition and support across the globe these days.
Aiming for Australian women cricket team Source: Parneet Kaur
On footsteps of Indian women cricketer Harmanpreet Kaur Source: Parneet Kaur