The federal election is an opportunity to have your say by voting to elect Australia’s government. This happens approximately every three years.
Although voting is compulsory for most Australians, you must first check your eligibility.
Evan Ekin-Smyth is the Spokesperson for the Australian Electoral Commission or AEC.
“Anybody who is an Australian citizen and is over the age of 18 is eligible to enrol and vote, but you’ve got to be enrolled if you want to vote. So, once the election is announced there will be a deadline to make sure that you get enrolled, and that you’re enrolled at your correct address.”
You typically have one week after the election date is announced to make sure you’re included on the electoral roll.
"But you don’t have to wait for the election announcement. You can do it now. It is a simple online form. You just go to And you can even do it on your smartphone.”
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