As confusion around citizenship changes grows, so does the work load for migration agents like Jason Browne. He says he's seen a three-fold spike over the past year.
The Turnbull government's original plans to tighten citizenship requirements included making permanent residents wait four years instead of one to apply, as well as rolling out a university level English language test.
The government's legislation was killed off in the senate but an amended bill will be put to parliament within the next six months with a new roll out date of July 1. Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Minister Alan Tudge says the government has re-worked its legislation to get it across the line.
Until then, all applications will be assessed under the current requirements.
With Labor opposed, it will need the Senate crossbench. The crucial Nick Xenophon Team (NXT) voting block has told SBS News it won't budge unless the government promises to re-model its proposal, so it:
- doesn't affect migrants who already have permanent residency
- or cap the number of times applicants can sit the citizenship test.
NXT also wants English language requirements to be kept at the same level as they are now.
The Citizenship Minister says so far the cap will stay, but the government will bow to the other demands. Labor's citizenship spokesman Tony Burke says the opposition hasn't changed its position.
2018 is shaping up to be another year of major immigration changes.
From March, the popular 457 temporary work visa will be scrapped and replaced so that it largely shuts the door on gaining permanent residency. Unless a migrant's occupation is among the 200 jobs that qualify, they'll only be allowed to stay in Australia for up to two years at a time.
Experts believe that, international students may also feel difficulties despite having skilful master degrees and great command over English language. Though, developed and multicultural countries like Canada or New Zealand are welcoming the talented international students.
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