Australian visas: What's changing from July 2021 and impact on skilled migrants and international students

More chance to get Permanent Residency in Australia from Health, Medical Research and Health sectors in Victoria

Source: AAP

With the COVID-19 pandemic hugely impacting immigration to Australia, the 2021-22 annual migration program has a strong focus on economic recovery. Some changes in this regard have already been made, and some others will take effect in the coming days and months.

Temporary visa holders employed in tourism and agriculture sectors can now extend their stay in Australia, while onshore international students working in the disability, aged care, medical, agriculture, tourism and hospitality sectors can work more hours.

Senior Registered Migration Agent and Business Owner at Migration Down Under Julie Williams says that although the government is maintaining the migration planning levels at 160,000 from the last year, the quota distribution amongst different visa categories is different.

“50 per cent of the program is going to be dedicated to skilled visas and giving priority to highly skilled migrants, Business Innovation and Investors program and a Global Talent visa cohort. And the upcoming changes which are going to come in effect on 1 July 2021 are going to provide a faster pathway to permanent residency for investors as well as the potential for increased returns on investment.”

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