Os australianos não deverão ter uma data para as próximas eleiçoes federais ainda nesta semana
O primeiro-ministro Scott Morrison não convocou as eleições federais neste domingo, como era a expectativa geral.
Anthony Albanese, da oposição do Partido Trabalhista, disse que o seu partido está pronto para a campanha eleitoral:
“While the government's been fighting itself we've been preparing policies, putting them forward in a constructive way, I must say, more policies than any opposition certainly in modern history has ever put forward with the detail there, outlining exactly what our plan for Australia is. (Reporter injects) They hav a plan to get relected, we have a plan for Australia.”
O Tesoureiro Federal Josh Frydenberg disse à ABC que a convocação das eleições é decisão unicamente do primeiro-ministro:
“There's all been three dates that have been toyed around, the 11th, the 18th and the 25th. That's a decision for the Prime Minister. (Reporter: And how much money you be spending on Government advertising?) We'll continue to spend on Government advertising, just like the Labor Party spent $500 million on advertising. (Reporter: Do you know the figure? You're the Treasurer. What are you likely to spend this week?) Money is being spent in accordance with approved processes and that's transparent.”