
Floodwaters are seen in the town of Grantham, west of Brisbane, Thursday, May 12, 2022. Queensland continues to be battered by an unseasonal rain band.

Floodwaters are seen in the town of Grantham, west of Brisbane, Thursday, May 12, 2022. Queensland continues to be battered by an unseasonal rain band. Source: AAP / AAP Image/Darren England

အပူၤကွံာ်စှၤကိးနွံအတီၢ်ပူၤ အီစထြ့လယါကီၢ် ဘၣ်သဂၢၢ်ဒီး ကလံၤအူတၢ်လၢအဆူၣ်မးသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.

ထံလုၢ်ဘၢတၢ်ကဲထီၣ်ညီနုၢ်အါထီၣ်အဃိ ပှၤအီစထြ့လယါဖိသ့ၣ်တဖၣ်ဘၣ်ယိၣ်လၢ ဆူမဲာ်ညါန့ၣ် အဝဲသ့ၣ်သးပျံၤလၢ မူခိၣ်ကလံၤသီၣ်ဂီၤလၢအတဂ့ၤဘၣ်သ့ၣ်တဖၣ် ကအါထီၣ်ဝဲဒၣ်ဖဲထံကီၢ်အပူၤန့ၣ်လီၤ.


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