"Salary-man" Art Collector Daisuke Miyatsu Shares the Mesmerising World of Yayoi Kusama

Salary-man Art Collector Daisuke Miyatsu

"Salary-man" Art Collector Daisuke Miyatsu standing next to one of his collections by Yayoi Kusama (Pumpkin 1981) / credit: NGV Credit: Eugene Hyland

Mr. Daisuke Miyatsu is one of the most prominent art collectors from Japan. He tells us how he fell in love with the work of Yayoi Kusama.

Some of Daisuke's collections can be seen at the Yayoi Kuasama Exhibition currently being held at NGV.

Infinity Dots 1953
宮津さんがサラリーマン時代に初めて購入された草間さんの作品。Credit: Daisuke Miyatsu / NGV
Silver Dress 1976
同じく宮津さんのコレクションから。無数の突起物で装飾されたドレス。Credit: Daisuke Miyatsu / NGV

NGV Yayoi Kusama. Photo Sean Fennessy
NGVではこんな巨大な作品も 数多く展示されています! Credit: NGV / Sean Fennessy
NGV's Yayoi Kusama exhibition will continue until 21st April.

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