Catholic transmum respects the message of the church regarding gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy

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As the Catholic church announced its condemnation of gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy, Sofiya Pacifico-Huggins continues to live life as a transsexual woman, mum and devout Catholic. Credit: Sofiya Huggins

In April, the Vatican declared that gender-affirming surgery, gender reassignment, and surrogacy are serious violations of human dignity. For Sofiya Huggins, there are different beliefs among people that should be respected.

Key Points
  • Sofiya Huggins is a transsexual woman and a mother to her 11-year-old child.
  • Her child is a result of surrogacy in the Philippines.
  • Recently, the Catholic Church condemned gender-affirming surgery, gender reassignment, and surrogacy.
