Gïït Adööc: Mɛ̈tmɛ̈t ke Baai ku aluïït tɛn ke ci jäl

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Gamilaraay/Bigambul and Yorta Yorta artist Arkeria Rose Armstrong Credit: Arkeria Rose

Lurlur ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ ka keya luel kɔc thook, Aboriginal ku kɔc Torres Strait Islander ɣa ka cik giit luöi be kek anyiköl ciɛɛ̈ŋden ya luɛ̈l, yëëthken ku ŋiëëc tɛ ŋïcke tiäämden.

Key Points
  • Kɔc Tuëŋ giɛ̈ɛ̈nden akiith yic apɛidittet ku aci ŋic ke ye ka keek totic bïk rot giɛ̈t.
  • Gïït ee toŋ tɛwën ye kek jam bi anyiköl ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden yiek mith, yɛ̈ɛ̈thken ku ŋiëëcden aye ke gam keya tɛn riiny bi lɔc bɛn yekolë
  • Giitden kënë ee keek kony bïk rot ya yiök tɛ ci kë nuët thin kek pɛ̈ndenry.
  • Käk kek nyuɔth aye waar yic tɛn cit wic kek raan wën gïït kek bi yen kuäny ku luui kek thin
Ka ye giit Kɔc Tuëŋ ɣa kewen ci cieëëŋ apɛidittet piny ku j̈ɛ̈kden adit thin, ke lëŋ ka ci dhiɔp ke giit dhuk cien ruön 17,500.

Giitden kene ee dhel wën ye kek luui ril bïk rot ya lɛ̈k tɛn Aboriginal ku Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ke lɔ tuëŋ lëk ciɛ̈ɛŋden, yiëthken, ku ku ŋiëëc riil tiäämden.

Giit Adööc athiɛ̈ŋ kajuëc, ke ci kajuääc kuömpiny ku tɛden ye kek yen luɔ̈i thin looithok, ku tok kaamken amëëc yic apɛi ka rɛ̈ɛ̈l gɛ̈nden, ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden ku akutnhomden.

Maria Watson-Trudgett, ke tiŋ Koori ku 'piu lɔ cɛɛ̈lcɛ̈ɛ̈l' ku ye tiŋ kɔc Wiradyuri.
Ms Watson-Trudgett yen tiŋ töŋwen Kɔc Tuëŋ jam ku aci rot piɔ̈ɔ̈c bi nhiërden ya rɔm ke kɔc kɔ̈ ciɛ̈ŋden Aboriginal.
MWT with artworks.JPG
Maria Watson-Trudgett is a First Nations consultant, a self-taught artist, and a storyteller Credit: Maria Watson-Trudgett Credit: Courtesy of Richmond Fellowship Queensland, 2019
“Kɔc kɔk aye tiŋ löön yen ye ke looi kene ka kɔk wen yeka ke cur ka ci kek tomic pɛth ku ye kenë tɛn c̈ï̈ɛ̈ŋden ee dhël toŋ wen Aboriginal tɛ ye kek cur thin ku këne acie ye tɛnde nɛ̈̈n, kene ee tɛktɛk wen ci rot kuoc guiir. Tɛwën ye ɣok c̈iɛ̈ɛ̈̈ŋda ye ɣok yen luɔi thin acie ku buk ya nyuɔ̈ɔ̈th ke ye ka ye cur pɛth kenë ee kewën ye ku goku ya ŋic jamwen rot looi keye dhel jam.
Mɛtthin agut tɛwën ye tim ye yen cur aya ku yään wën ye looi cimën tɛn thiɛkthiɛ̈k, ku jɔl ɣa tɛwën ye kɔc ke guup giɛ̈t thin fa yiee;i kxk we;n ye maat nhiim. Acie giit e rot". aci kuänyic.

Aci Watson-Trudgett mat thin aya kuat kawën ke jup ake jɔl rot bɛn jɔk 1970 ke looi rot ,
ku akutnhom thiin wut Aboriginal alɔŋ northwest of Alice Springs.
Ye tɛ̈n kenë kɔc wën cur Aboriginal ku kaken ye ka ke yuup buiya ee ke tɔu ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden yic ku ek tɛ ye kek anyïkölken kuanyic thin ago nyuɔ̈th kïtken wën ye ke jup.
There are many styles of Aboriginal art that artists use to convey their stories and their cultures. Aboriginal art is anything an Aboriginal person paints that connects them to their Country and culture, and creates... a sense connection and belonging [for them].
Maria Watson-Trudgett

Rɔmrɔm Ciɛ̈ɛŋ

Ms Watson-Trudgett ajɔk yupyupden ee 2009 ku dhël wën bi yen ya lɔŋ ku nyiɛ̈ɛ̈i jaam puou wën ke kuën jama. ku aci jal bɛn puɔ̈c giit ɣe kajuec pioɔ̈ɔ̈c ku cie bi rel duk rot pɛ̈th "bi nhom reel lɛ̈ŋ".
It’s about sharing my story with other people, [and] keeping my culture alive. It also supports me connect to my Aboriginal culture, to my Country, to my old my people, and to the knowledge that I learnt while growing up on Country with family.
Maria Watson-Trudgett
Cur wen ye ɣɛn cur tɛn lɔŋ ɣɛn ee kewën rilic apɛi erin ŋo ka ye raan toŋ Aboriginal ku ba c̈iɛ̈ɛ̈ŋdie cɔl arɛɛl ke pïïr yen ku ke ɣɛn kuony ba ka ci mɛ̈t ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋda Aboriginal ku jɔl pɛndan ye cëëŋku tɛn rïïnydien tɔu ke ye kɔc ye ɣok riic ku ba ŋiëcdie ba ɣäth thin ba kek piɔ̈ɔ̈c aya bi ŋiëc cɔl atɔ ya ke yiëk rot nhiäl t pɛnda ku jal ya kɔccië.

Arkeria Rose Armstrong, a Gamilaraay/Bigambul and Yorta Yorta artist, aye tak anyiköl ci ke rɔm kek kɔcken dit.

Madit keye tiŋdit a Gamilaraay, ake ye raan toŋ kɔc cur baai alɔ̈n këne.

“Ɣa anyiköl kek luel ke nyuc piny, Gɛ̈nden, tiɔ̈ɔ̈m Pɛnden nhom, ku anyiköl giɛ̈ɛ̈t tiɔ̈p nhom," aci kuänyic.

Anyiköle käkä, aye keek piɔc̈ rïïc, mɛt thin agut ci kɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ, lääi kuɛ̈l ku maanditë käken ci yiök piërde yic ke diɛ̈t pɛn Gɛ̈den. kuat anyïkol yen kuanyic ee kɔc piɔ̈ɔ̈c kede rot. aci luel.
Art has always been part of Arkeria Rose Armstrong’s life. Credit Arkeria Rose Armstrong
“Yen aleu anyikolde tɛn ci tëëk kuänyic ke ye cur ka giit ken.

Tɛnë, kajuëc ye n̈yuɔ̈th ku tɛ ye tiɛ̈ŋ kek ku alɛk ɣok tɛ ci yen rɔm kya dhël kenë."

Ms Armstrong Aci kuänyic tɛ den wen ci yen gɛ̈ɛ̈th ke "määtnhim" ku ceeŋ thin. Nhïëër bɛn kawën ye tiŋic ku tɛ ye yen thɔ̈ŋ thin aye jal yiëk mïïth ee mandit den, ku tɛnden ye yen kuanyic thin ee wundit den, keye raan cur aya.

Tɛ ye yen keek bɛn kuanyic thin kakeen ye keek Cur Ms Armstrong puöl bi bɛn thɔ̈ɔ̈ŋ yic tɛ yen yen m̈ɛ̈t thin ke ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋde anyikole kak yiic, ku alueŋ yic kajuëëc —e yeke raam thin kek nyiände aya.
To continue culture, you need to share culture, and you need to practice culture. To share with our next generation is to make sure that they’re always at the table having those conversations.
Arkeria Rose Armstrong

Mɛ̈tmɛ̈tden kek Ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ

Davinder Hart ee raan wën gïïtden looi kek kaacke ke bɔ cok southwest region Gen Noongar Country, Western Australia,
aci mɛ̈ɛ̈thdie looi Adelaide, kam tuëŋ këëc yen ke mɛ̈ɛ̈t ke ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden Ngemba Country, New South Wales, lathɛ̈ɛ̈r piir yic.

Aci Mr Hart kuanyic riɛ̈l käk ke dhɛ̈l thin ruön keen tuëŋ yiic, bi jal pɛn piööc ke leŋ ruön 16, ku jeer ke wic luɔi ku athäär ke määth wal rɛɛc.

Kenë ye ci rot jal kuɔny ku cökcök nhom ci yiök tɛn wulɛnë ken ku wamëthkën ɣa kek ci yen kony ku bi piir cɔk pïny ku ben rɔm ke kɔc ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden ku yen, këne aye thiääny kɔu ka ken ye kek cur.
“ Ɣɛn ci guöp miɛ̈t apɛi ba rɔm kek walɛ̈nkie ku wamɛ̈thkie bïk ɣɛn piɔ̈ɔ̈ anyiköl Pɛnda, Ku käk cïk [piɔ̈ɔc] yïn nyuɔ̈th tɛ bi yïn ya ciëëŋ thin ... dhël wën pɛ̈th," aci luël.

Tɛn Mr Hart, cur ee yen dhel toŋ wën bi yen bɛn rɔm ke ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋden, Mɛn yen dhël toŋ wën bi y ŋuɛ̈n.
"Kenë reel thin tɛ wën bi rot pääl piny tɛ ɣɛn yupyup yic. Ɣɛn aya tak ɣɔ̈n juëc yic, wëi aye yupyup nyiäi ku yupyup ee töŋ kawën yen looi yïn rot. Yen ee kɔc päälguöp piny apɛ̈idittet," aci kuanyic.

Davinder Hart at Saudi Arabia, UN gala dinner, 2023. Credit Davinder Hart

Bä ya bɛ̈ŋ këye rɔɔm keek.

Aci Ms Watson-Trudgett kuanyic lɔ̈n Kɔc Tueŋ wën cuur aleu bïk kïït juëc mät luɔ̈nden yic, kä kɔ̈k käk wën looi thok tɛnë Gɛ̈nden, cimën buɔ̈th cöök läi.
Käwën cäth ke biöth ke ciök ku luui kek Aboriginal kit ee luɔiden yic ee dhel tɛden ye jɛ̈ɛ̈mthin kek kɔ̈cken dit tɛn yiök yen cur thin ku kït wën ye giit piny.
Na cɔk ɣa lɔ̈n yen kitkɔk nyooth kathɛɛr wën leu bei keek ŋic, kä kɔ̈k anyikölden aleu bi thook looi tɛn kɔ̈c kɔ̈k ke gïït.

"Kä nyooth atɔu ke leube këk waar yic tɛ cit tɛ ŋic raan giit yen yic. Duk yen käŋ thɔ̈ɔ̈ŋ yi nhom wɛ̈tde yic aleu b thookk lloi ke tɛ ŋiëëc yen wenthɛr tɛn raan dɛt,"
Aci luel.
Aci Ms Armstrong luel, tɛ pɛ̈th leu ku bi yïn jɔk thin e ku ba thiëc tɛn raan kle looi yeen anyiköl tɔu thin tɛn ke kuɛ̈ny yen yic ka cï giit yic.

"'Yëŋa kenë Raan Kɔ̈c Tuëŋ kenë? Ye gɛ̈th nɛ̈n käkkä ku ye kek tiŋ ke yïenda?' Na ca jal jɔk ba thiëcke thiëc ka yïïn aba jal jɔk b tiŋ ku yiök raan kënë," aci luel.

"Dhɛ̈l kɔk wën ye ɣɛn anyikoldie nhiäär rɔm ke kɔc ee ku ba kɔc mät nhïïm ku ba rëël thin tɛ̈në yiɛ̈nhdie, erin ku bi yïn nyuc piny ku läŋ tɛ wën lääu kek kɔc wɛ̈t londun ci looi,

"Ɣɛn aya tak yen ee käk kɔ̈k cɔl acek yic buk kek rɔm ke koor card yic ka cuk cuur. Ku aye jal thaany kɔu kek ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋdun we kɔc kɔ̈k aya kawën cäk kek rɔ̈m.
Kaye tïŋ ee Gamilaraay, ɣok a rɔm ta wën ci rot guir bi rɔm kek ɣok bi piööc."

"Awic be reel yï ci rot ŋaany kɔc, ku duk riɔ̈c ku ba thiëc kathiëëc kek," aci Mr Hart mathin.

“Ku ke rɛɛ̈l jamkën yic aleŋ kajuec, ɣok aa yiëk ciɛ̈ɛ̈ŋda nhuiäl ke kɔc kɔk."
