埃塞俄比亞客機墜毀 機上35國公民全數罹難


A Kenyan woman (R) is comforted by a Red Cross worker (L), after getting information about her loved ones that were on board the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302.

A Kenyan woman (R) is comforted by a Red Cross worker (L), after getting information about her loved ones that were on board the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. Source: AAP

埃塞俄比亞航空一架載有 149 名乘客及八名機組人員的客機,在前往肯尼亞途中墜毀,航空公司確認機上 157 人全部罹難。

該架航班編號 ET 302 的客機原定前往肯尼亞首都內羅畢(Nairobi),於當地時間星期日(3 月 10 日)早上在埃塞俄比亞首都亞的斯亞貝巴起飛,但起飛後六分鐘便在埃塞俄比亞首都以南約 50 公里墜毀。
A Kenyan woman (R) is comforted by a Red Cross worker (L), after getting information about her loved ones that were on board the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302.
A Kenyan woman (R) is comforted by a Red Cross worker (L), after getting information about her loved ones that were on board the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. Source: AAP
航空公司宣佈,該架波音 737-8 MAX 客機當時承載八名機組人員及 149 名乘客,當中包括旅客、商業出行者及至少一名正準備主席聯合國會議的代表。

遇難者來自最少 35 個國家,包括八名中國籍人士;報道,目前確認有一名來自香港的聯合國環境署職員。

聯合國一個環境保護計劃正準備在星期一(11 日)於內羅畢召開會議,會議將有合共 4,700 名國家領袖、政府部長、商界領袖、聯合國高層官員及社區組織代表出席。

肯尼亞運輸和基礎設施內閣部長馬查里亞(James Macharia)表示,政府正對受今次事故影響的人士提供援助。


航空公司行政總裁對空難深感遺憾,又指機師曾發出求救訊號,並獲批准折返。航班追蹤網站 FlightRadar24 指出,客機起飛後升降速度不穩定,之後墜毀。

一幅刊登在航空公司社交媒體的相片顯示,行政總裁 Tewolde GebreMariam 在肇事現場手執客機殘骸。
Rescuers remove body bags from the scene of an Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed shortly after takeoff at Hejere near Bishoftu.
Rescuers remove body bags from the scene of an Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed shortly after takeoff at Hejere near Bishoftu. Source: APP
民用航空數據庫 Planespotters 資料顯示,出事的波音 737 MAX-8 客機去年 11 月中旬才交付給航空公司,只有約四個月機齡。

Relatives talk to airport staffat a help desk set up for the crashed Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302.
Relatives talk to airport staffat a help desk set up for the crashed Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302. Source: AAP


Published 11 March 2019 11:30pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:33pm
By Elsa Tsang, Winmas Yu
Source: AFP, SBS, Reuters

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