This Christmas movie remade scenes to erase gay couple

Compare the pair.

Too Cool For Christmas

The 2004 Christmas movie 'Too Cool For Christmas' released two versions of the film. Source: Twitter

In some truly insane Christmas news, incredulous Twitter users have discovered that producers behind 2004 Christmas movie A Very Cool Christmas recorded two versions of the film - a version that features a same-sex couple and a version that subs them out for a straight one.

In the movie, lead character Lindsay is seen hanging in the lounge room with her little sister and parents. In the American version of the film, her parents are a straight couple - played by actors Barclay Hope and Ingrid Torrance.

However, in the Canadian release, re-titled Too Cool For Christmas, Lindsay has two dads, played by Barclay Hope and Adam Harrington.

The fact that the scenes are otherwise identical suggests that, rather than take a risk on a diverse slate of characters, production opted to film both versions one after the other -  which doesn't sound particularly viable economically, to be honest.

Twitter user David F. Sandberg surfaced the news, sharing a side-by-side playing at once.

Safe to say, people were straight-up CONFUSED.
"They had to have shot them on the same day, the lighting and everything else about the scene matches too well next to each other," one Twitter user observed.

"That means they'd do a take, swap out the actor/actress, and then do the take again for the different version. That's f***ing hilarious."

Another wrote: "I hope that we get 100 think pieces on this movie this holiday season, because I am intrigued."

Others that they'd like to see re-made with same-sex parents.

Both incarnations of the holidays flick, which has on Rotten Tomatoes, are currently available to stream on different platforms.

The US version - with opposite sex parents - is streaming on Hulu, while the Canadian version - with same-sex parents - is available to watch on Prime.

2 min read
Published 14 November 2019 1:39pm
Updated 14 November 2019 1:52pm
By Samuel Leighton-Dore

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