Understanding Indigenous disadvantage in Australia

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 4 : Incarceration Nation - Documentary stills shoot on February 4, 2021 in Sydney, Australia.

مردان بومی ۲۷ درصد زندانیان آسترالیا را تشکیل می‌دهند. Source: Joseph Mayers

Stemming from historical injustices, Indigenous disadvantage continues to affect First Nations people resulting in shorter life expectancy, poor health and education outcomes and disproportionately higher incarceration rates.

If you are an Indigenous Australian, you can anticipate a shorter life expectancy, lower levels of health, education, employment, and higher infant mortality rates than non-Indigenous Australians. And if you are a male Indigenous Australian, there is about 1 in 6 chances that you are currently in prison or have spent time in prison.

Add to this the high suicide rates, trauma and everyday discrimination.

The statistics are alarming. We know this because every four years the Productivity Commission publishes the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report.

Romlie Mokak is Commissioner at the Productivity Commission.

“The Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report is a comprehensive report on the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in this country, and the main purpose is to look at whether things are getting better, whether they’re not and if they’re not, what improvements might need to be made.”

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