How to access subsidised childcare in Australia


幼兒教育文憑的發展遠勝三級課程? Source: Cottonbro/Pexels

If you are studying or working and have young children at home, you can access subsidised childcare in Australia. There are different care options available, depending upon whether you satisfy the activities test, and the level of government subsidy depends on your family income.

Sarah Gardiner is a mother of three. She has a boy who has just turned seven, a four-and-a-half-year-old girl and a nine-week-old baby.

Mrs Gardiner, who is a business owner, has managed to keep working full time for the last six years with only eight-week breaks when her second and third children were born.

She says this was possible because of a range of childcare services with the freedom to work flexible hours.

"I’ve used different forms of childcare. Nothing for my 9-week-old but for my eldest two, over the years, we’ve used everything from a private nanny, a live-in au-pair, family daycare, long daycare and also KU preschooling. I’ve literally tried everything because, you know, there are advantages and disadvantages. I guess no one service provider is perfect and what I’ve learnt over the years is that I need to use a combination of places."

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