Isto segundo uma das maiores pesquisas já feita sobre racismo e preconceito na Austrália, encomendada pela SBS junto à Universidade de Western Sydney/UWS.
Os pesquisadores disseram que estaremos enfrentando uma quase calamidade nacional de islamofobia, caso algo não seja feito para acabar com a discriminação.
A SBS promove de 26 de fevereiro até o dia 5 de março a semana , exibindo os programas:
Aqui, uma partezinha do documentário , com atores circulando nas ruas e ouvindo comentários racistas.
- "You're in our country, we helped save you, from where you came from , from where you've been persecuted, and you wear things like that!"
- (Woman:) "What should I do then? What should I do then?"
- "Well, why don't you dress like other Australians?"
O Professor Kevin Dunn, da UWS, liderou a pesquisa com 6 mil pessoas respondendo aos questionários, examinando atitudes em relação às diferenças culturais, tolerância de grupos específicos e hierarquia racial:
"If you're an Aboriginal Australian in our survey, half of the respondents, 50 per cent of Aboriginal Australians would tell us that they've experienced racism in education or perhaps in seeking employment, or while in employment - that's double the rate for their non-Aboriginal peers in the survey."
O nível de racismo com os australianos muçulmanos é ainda maior do que com os aborígenes, e necessita de atenção urgente, diz o professor Kevin Dunn:
"60 per cent of Australian Muslims in the survey told us they've experience racism in an educational setting or in an employment setting or when seeking employment."
Para o Professor Dunn, o aumento do racismo na última década é agora tema de preocupação das políticas públicas e precisa de atenção urgente.
Face Up to Racism schools resource
SBS Learn has partnered with the to produce a schools resource linked to the upcoming ‘Face Up to Racism Week’ on SBS. Jan Fran from The Feed will meet up with the talented to learn how to face up to racism through the art of spoken word poetry. High school students can join in by watching clips from the series and online video tutorials before sharing their own poems with SBS. The resources will be linked to the English and Arts curriculums and will be available from March 1st 2017.
The schedule
Sunday 26 February
8:30pm Is Australia Racist - SBS
9:30pm Where To Invade Next - SBS
9:30pm Hate Thy Neighbour - SBS VICELAND
9:30pm 12 Years a Slave - NITV
Monday 27 February
8:30pm Date My Race - SBS
9:30pm Awaken - NITV
Tuesday 28 February
8:30pm Insight - SBS
9:30pm Dateline - SBS
9:30pm Atlanta - SBS VICELAND
Wednesday 1 March
8:30pm The Truth About Racism - SBS
8:30pm Scottsboro: An American Tragedy - NITV
Saturday 4 March
8:30pm Borat - SBS
8:30pm Fruitvale Station - SBS VICELAND
Join the conversation on social media: #FU2Racism
Tune in to Face Up To Racism season, airing from Sunday 26 February to Sunday 5 March on SBS.
Programs include: Is Australia Racist? (airs on Sunday 26 February at 8.30pm), Date My Race (airs Monday 27 February at 8.30pm) and The Truth About Racism (airs Wednesday 1 March at 8.30pm).
You can also find more info on the shows here: )