Уугуул өв соёлыг эрхэмлэсэн хот төлөвлөлт: Энэ юу вэ, яагаад чухал вэ?

Ground Plane

Designers of the University of Technology, Sydney's National First Nations College aspire to make it a place of connection with Country. Credit: Greenaway Architects, Warren and Mahoney, OCULUS

Эх орон /country / бол Австралийн уугуул ард түмний өв соёл, уламжлалын гол цөм юм. Бидний оршин байгаа энэ нутагт анхны үндэстнүүдийн олон арван мянган жилийн түүх, хэл, соёл, бүхий л амьд оршихуйн холбоог агуулж байдаг. Тиймээс архитекторууд, засгийн газрын байгууллагууд болон уран бүтээлчид хотын орчинг төлөвлөхдөө уугуул мэдлэгтэй хэрхэн харьцах ёстой вэ?

wildflowers near rock outcrop
Designing with Country, relationality, and cultural continuity in mind recognises that each place in Australia carries distinct history spanning tens of thousands of years. Here, wildflowers are seen in Karijini National Park in WA. Source: Getty / TED MEAD
Jefa Greenaway portrait
Jefa Greenaway: “We know across this vast island continent that there are over 270 distinct language groups and 600 dialects.” Credit: Aaron Puls
Uni Melb project
A University of Melbourne built project recreating the eels’ migration path from water to land, is a metaphor for Indigenous resilience, says architect Jefa Greenaway. Credit: Peter Bennetts
Problem solving design
The sense of cultural identity is integral to Indigenous design methodologies, says Dr Ibinarriaga. “In design we focus on problem-solving and so [in Country-led design] it becomes essential to look locally, harnessing our surroundings.” Credit: Desiree Hernandez Ibinarriaga
Where Eels Lie Down by Kamilaroi artist Reko Rennie is one of the features referencing Country in Parramatta Square.
Waratah flower light installation
Country-led design reasserts the primacy of the place where an infrastructure project is situated. The Waratah flower, found across southeastern Australia is the protagonist of a Dreamtime story explaining its red colour. Here, a Waratah flower light installation during Vivid Light 2017 in Sydney. Credit: Manfred Gottschalk/Getty Images
