(BEGINS WITH DRUMMING) "It’s my happy place, it’s just the best feeling and its why I love it so much – it’s the best feeling in the world (DRUMMING FADES)
Oli Naglost è una stella nascente nel mondo della musica australiano.
Da quando ha iniziato le lezioni all’età di otto anni, Oli è cresciuto come musicista e team leader e afferma che la chiave è riuscire a esibirsi con altri - come Louis - che condividono la sua passione.
(FADE GUITAR FX UP UNDER PREVIOUS VO) then "I love music, it's probably one of the greatest things in my life""
DAD: “Louis wants to become a professional musician and everything he is learning right here is a stepping stone.”
Quello era il padre di Louis.
Suo figlio e Oli sono diplomati da Big Music, sulla North Shore di Sydney, un negozio che ha anche un vasto programma di educazione musicale, co-fondato da Richard Berkman.
"Upstairs we have 22 studios and that includes four band rehearsal rooms. a recording studio and we've got a live performance venue that can seat up to 200 people that we use for band showcases and all sorts of events. We've got 35 coaches - they're all active, gigging*, professional musicians. Almost all of them also have tertiary qualifications in music."
Anche il programma di musica per Big Music contraddistingue questo negozio.
Berkman sostiene che incoraggia i giovani musicisti a salire sul palco - esibendosi di fronte a un pubblico internazionale, con risultati incredibili.
"We're really excited about 2020. Last year we were at 800 students, this year we're hoping to get to 900 students a week coming through for lessons. I can’t tell you how many parents have said to me they can't believe the changes in their child since they got actively involved in playing music.”
Il negozio è stato aperto dieci anni fa da Richard Berkman e suo fratello David - e quello che è iniziato come un progetto di passione è diventato un'istituzione.
"Siamo davvero entusiasti del 2020. L'anno scorso eravamo a 800 studenti, quest'anno speriamo di arrivare a 900 studenti a settimana che partecipano alle lezioni. Non posso dirti quanti genitori mi hanno detto non riescono a credere ai cambiamenti nel loro bambino da quando sono stati coinvolti attivamente nel suonare la musica".
E per studenti come Yalani, ci sono benefici inaspettati.
"I actually got a maths award today and I definitely think that music has helped me excel in my academics in that way.”
Quest'anno, per la prima volta, agli studenti svantaggiati verranno offerte borse di studio e la possibilità di esibirsi in una band di Big Music.
“Well there’s no cost to the scholarship recipients and its completely free for them and we are providing all of our coaches and access to our facilities. We are looking for six young people - teenagers, roughly 12-17 - that have a love for music. They need to be able to play a bit - they've probably been learning for a year or two - and maybe feel they haven't been able to realise their potential as a musician for one reason or another and maybe they've face some significant life event that has set them back a little bit ."
L’iniziativa è sostenuta dall'ex olimpionico Clinton Hill e dal suo partner in affari Gareth Pike, la cui Mental Wheels Foundation sta contribuendo a finanziare una serie di cause meritevoli.
(BEGINS WITH DRUMMING) "It’s my happy place, it’s just the best feeling and its why I love it so much – it’s the best feeling in the world (DRUMMING FADES)
Oli Naglost is a rising star in Australia’s music industry.
Since starting lessons as an 8 year old, Oli’s grown as a musician and a team leader and he says the key is being able to perform with others - like Louis who share his passion.
(FADE GUITAR FX UP UNDER PREVIOUS VO) then "I love music, it's probably one of the greatest things in my life""
DAD: “Louis wants to become a professional musician and everything he is learning right here is a stepping stone”
That's Louis's father.
His son and Oli are graduates of Big Music on Sydney’s north shore - a retail store with a vast music education program, co-founded by Richard Berkman.
"Upstairs we have 22 studios and that includes four band rehearsal rooms. a recording studio and we've got a live performance venue that can seat up to 200 people that we use for band showcases and all sorts of events. We've got 35 coaches - they're all active, gigging*, professional musicians. Almost all of them also have tertiary qualifications in music."
The Big Music band program also sets this business apart.
Mr Berkman says it encourages young musicians onto the stage - performing in front of international audiences, with incredible results:
"One of our kids won an Aria Award for breakthrough artist; we also have a young band that we coached and formed here and that are touring Europe at the moment and getting great accolades”
The business was founded ten years ago by Richard Berkman and his brother David - and what began as a passion project has grown into an institution.
"We're really excited about 2020. Last year we were at 800 students, this year we're hoping to get to 900 students a week coming through for lessons. I can’t tell you how many parents have said to me they can't believe the changes in their child since they got actively involved in playing music”
And for students like Yalani, there are unexpected benefits.
"I actually got a maths award today and I definitely think that music has helped me excel in my academics in that way.”
This year, for the first time, disadvantaged students will be offered scholarships and the chance to perform in a Big Music band.
“Well there’s no cost to the scholarship recipients and its completely free for them and we are providing all of our coaches and access to our facilities. We are looking for six young people - teenagers, roughly 12-17 - that have a love for music. They need to be able to play a bit - they've probably been learning for a year or two - and maybe feel they haven't been able to realise their potential as a musician for one reason or another and maybe they've face some significant life event that has set them back a little bit ."
It’s supported by Former Olympian Clinton Hill and business partner Gareth Pike, whose Mental Wheels Foundation is helping to finance a range of good causes.
Report by Allan Lee and Sandra Fulloon