Sherwin Malenab si autodefinisce il padre della comunità filippina di Corryong.
La sua è stata tra le prime famiglie filippine a stabilirsi nella cittadina rurale al confine tra Victoria e New South Wales nel 2015; da allora la popolazione della comuni tà è salita a circa 20.
È diventato cittadino australiano lo scorso febbraio e ora intende costruire la casa dei suoi sogni a Corryong, dove - dice - c'è sicurezza, aria fresca e un amico ad ogni angolo di strada.
“The people are very nice, they are lovely people here in Corryong, and it’s good to raise kids especially for me as a father. I love my family, that’s why I pursue my dream [to come here] to give them a good future. ”
È venuto con la moglie Fritzie, lasciando la figlia Seancai e il figlio Symone con i nonni nelle Filippine.
Fritzie afferma che è stata una decisione difficile, ma Corryong li ha accolti a braccia aperte.
“The people look after us, we feel so welcome here in Corryong. I am glad to stay here.”
Un'infermiera professionista nel paese di origine, Fritzie ha dovuto seguire un corso per parificare le sue qualifiche a quelle di una laurea riconosciuta in Australia.
Sherwin ha iniziato un corso di assistenza agli anziani, lavorando anche al supermercato di notte e raccogliendo verdure alla mattina.
La coppia ha raccolto abbastanza soldi per farsi una casa a Corryong, far arrivare i bambini e ricominciare a vivere in una piccola città di campagna.
Ma nelle prime ore del 31 dicembre, la loro nuova casa si è trovata in pericolo quando Corryong è stata circondata da numerosi incendi boschivi.
Sherwin e Fritzie hanno accolto nella loro casa membri della comunità filippina locale e si sono alternati a tenere d’occhio il fuoco mentre si diffondeva dal Monte Mittamatite verso la città.
Molti si stavano preparando a evacuare, ma quando un secondo fronte di fuoco si è abbattuto sull'ospedale, Corryong Health, Sherwin è entrato in azione.
“Kuya, brother, don’t go there because it is very dangerous and the fire is very big. I said to him just pray for me, I need to go, I need to do something, because if no one does anything what will happen to this hospital and this community?”
Fritzie ha detto di essersi preoccupata, ma che non c'era modo di fermarlo.
“I just saw him run into one of the utes with one of the hospital staff and I just said, where is he going?”
Il membro dello staff era Brian Smith, un esperto vigile del fuoco della Country Fire Authority assegnato all'ospedale.
Ha detto di avere un furgone e un serbatoio d'acqua da 200 litri per lottare contro il fuoco, ma nessuno che lo aiutasse fino a quando non si è presentato Sherwin.
I due hanno guidato verso una proprietà nelle vicinanze da dove il fuoco stava bruciando attraverso i campi verso l'ospedale.
Dalle 4 alle 7 del mattino circa, hanno guidato lungo il fronte del fuoco, estinguendo i fo colai che si stavano riaccendendo a causa dai venti che soffiavano da ogni direzione.
Il CEO di Corryong Health, Dominic Sandilands, ha elogiato le azioni dei due.
“Sherwin put his hand up right when Brian was looking around for a helper, and it was really wonderful. He’s a tremendous asset and he’s also taking a real lead role in the Filipino community.”
L'esperienza ha ispirato Sherwin a iscriversi al CFA.
È stato accompagnato in un tour della caserma dei pompieri di Corryong da Tony Cattermole del CFA.
Cattermole ha affermato che il CFA di Corryong ha circa 16 membri attivi e che sarebbe lieto di accoglierne di più prima della prossima stagione di incendi.
Il suo consiglio a Sherwin è stato: vieni e iscriviti.
“Just meet people, meet the local brigade members, meet the local brigade and I’m sure he’d have a lot to offer as most people do who volunteer.”
Le azioni di Sherwin sono state anche lodate dal sindaco della contea di Towong, David Wortmann.
“Look - to help save such a key piece of infrastructure, the hospital, in the town is just amazing and I can’t thank Sherwin enough.”
La sua è una delle tante storie di coraggio di questa stagione di incendi boschivi senza precedenti, ma che ha cambiato la sua vita per sempre.
Sherwin Malenab calls himself the father of Corryong's Filipino community.
His was among the first Filipino families to settle in the regional town on the Victorian-New South Wales border in 2015; since then the community's population has risen to about 20.
He became an Australian citizen last February, and now intends to build a dream home in Corryong where he says there is safety, fresh air and a friend around every corner.
“The people are very nice, they are lovely people here in Corryong, and it’s good to raise kids especially for me as a father. I love my family, that’s why I pursue my dream [to come here] to give them a good future. ”
He came with his wife Fritzie, leaving behind their daughter Seancai and son Symone with their grandparents in the Philippines.
Fritzie says it was a hard move, but Corryong welcomed them with open arms.
“The people look after us, we feel so welcome here in Corryong. I am glad to stay here.”
A registered nurse back home, Fritzie had to undergo a course to transfer her qualifications to an Australian-recognised degree.
Sherwin also began a course in aged care, working nights at the supermarket and mornings picking vegetables.
The pair raised enough money to establish a home in Corryong, bring the children over, and start life again in a small country town.
But in the early hours of December the 31st, their new home was under threat as Corryong was surrounded by several massive bushfires.
Sherwin and Fritzie gathered members of the local Filipino community at their house, and took it in turns to watch the fire as it spread down Mount Mittamatite [[mitta-mah-tight]] towards the town.
Many were preparing to evacuate, but as a second fire front bore down on the hospital, Corryong Health, Sherwin jumped into action.
“Kuya, brother, don’t go there because it is very dangerous and the fire is very big. I said to him just pray for me, I need to go, I need to do something, because if no one does anything what will happen to this hospital and this community?”
Fritzie says she was worried, but there was no stopping him.
“I just saw him run into one of the utes with one of the hospital staff and I just said, where is he going?”
The staff member was Brian Smith, an experienced CFA firefighter and ground-keeper at the hospital.
He says while he had a ute and a 200 litre water tank ready to fight the fire, he had no one to help him until Sherwin showed up.
The pair drove into a neighbouring property from where the fire was burning through grasslands towards the hospital.
From 4am until around 7am, they drove along the fire front, extinguishing the blaze that was being reignited by winds blowing from every direction.
CEO of Corryong Health Dominic Sandilands commends the actions of the pair.
“Sherwin put his hand up right when Brian was looking around for a helper, and it was really wonderful. He’s a tremendous asset and he’s also taking a real lead role in the Filipino community.”
The experience has inspired Sherwin to join the CFA.
He was taken on a tour of the Corryong fire station by the CFA’s Tony Cattermole.
Mr Cattermole says the Corryong CFA has about 16 active members, and would gladly welcome more before the next bushfire season.
His advice to Sherwin was, come in, sign up.
“Just meet people, meet the local brigade members, meet the local brigade and I’m sure he’d have a lot to offer as most people do who volunteer.”
Sherwin’s actions have also been recognised by the Towong [[TAO-wong]] Shire Mayor, David Wortmann.
“Look - to help save such a key piece of infrastructure, the hospital, in the town is just amazing and I can’t thank Sherwin enough.”
His is one story of bravery of the many from this unprecedented bushfire season, but it’s one that’s changed his life forever.
Report by Abby Dinham