Episode 100: Italy now home to worst coronavirus outbreak in Europe

A local police officer wears a protective face mask during the Carnival in Venice, Italy, 23 February 2020.

A local police officer wears a protective face mask during the Carnival in Venice, Italy, 23 February 2020. Source: ANSA

With 12 deaths confirmed, Italian officials have isolated villages and cut short the Venice Carnival as they try to control what is now the worst coronavirus outbreak in Europe.


La polizia sta pattugliando i confini di diversi paesi nel nord Italia.

12 persone contagiate dal coronavirus sono morte, spingendo il paese a isolare migliaia di persone e ad operare drastici cambiamenti ai suoi eventi più famosi. 

"The panic is more contagious than the virus and at this point it's a bit unnecessary, don't you think?" 

Questa è la viaggiatrice Marianna Purisol, che stava partecipando alle mascherata del Carnevale di Venezia, prima della chiusura due giorni in anticipo. 

Il capo della Protezione Civile italiana, Angelo Borrelli, ha ordinato a più di 50.000 persone di rimanere in 11 paesi, la maggior parte dei quali si trova vicino alla cittadina di Codogno, a sud est di Milano. 


Alla Settimana della Moda di Milano, che aveva già visto un calo considerevole dei compratori cinesi tra i presenti, il designer Giorgio Armani ha realizzato il suo evento senza ospiti, preferendo la trasmissione in streaming. 

Intanto la Corea del Sud ha innalzato il suo allarme coronavirus al "livello più alto", mentre i casi confermati continuano a salire. 

11 persone sono morte per via del COVID-19 e più di 1000 sono state contagiate. 

In Cina, colleghi e amici hanno pianto la morte di Peng Yinhua, il dottore cinese 29enne che aveva posticipato il suo matrimonio per unirsi alla lotta contro l'epidemia di coronavirus. 

Il dottore è morto a causa del virus giovedì scorso, lasciando la fidanzata incinta. 

La fidanzata non vuole essere identificata, ma ha dichiarato di aver rispettato il desiderio del fidanzato di sposarsi dopo la fine dell'epidemia e che le aveva detto che si trattava del 'dovere di un medico. 

"Peng worked for 48 straight hours after the outbreak. The clinic was short of doctors, and he wanted to help his colleagues." 

La collega, dottoressa Jiang Junxia, ha raccontato che erano tutti pronti a festeggiare con lui. 

"We made a promise that after we win this battle, we would go to his wedding and share his happiness." 


Police are now patrolling the perimeters of some northern Italian towns. 

12 people infected with the coronavirus have died, prompting the country to isolate tens of thousands of people and make drastic changes to some of its world-famous events. 

"The panic is more contagious than the virus and at this point it's a bit unnecessary, don't you think?" 

That's traveller Marianna Purisol, who was attending Venice's masquerade carnival until it closed two days early. 

Italy's Chief of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli has ordered more than 50,000 people to stay within 11 towns, most of them centred around the small town of Codogno, southeast of Milan.


At Milan Fashion Week, which had already seen a sharp drop of Chinese buyers in attendance, designer Giorgio Armani made his show guest-free and live-streamed it instead. 

Meanwhile South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest level" as confirmed case numbers keep rising. 

11 people have died from COVID-19 and more than 1000 have been infected. 

In China, colleagues and family havemourned the death of Peng Yinhua, the 29-year-old Chinese doctor who postponed his wedding to join the fight against the coronavirus disease. 

He died from the virus last Thursday, leaving behind a pregnant fiancée. 

She doesn't want to be named, but says she respected her fiancée’s wishes to marry after the epidemic ended, and that he said it was 'doctor duty'. 

"Peng worked for 48 straight hours after the outbreak. The clinic was short of doctors, and he wanted to help his colleagues." 

Fellow doctor Jiang Junxia says they were all ready to celebrate with him. 

"We made a promise that after we win this battle, we would go to his wedding and share his happiness." 

Report by Charlotte Lam
