Ep.330: 50 years strong: bilingual teaching is celebrated in Yirrkala

Celebration at Yirrkala school (SBS).jpg

Celebrazioni alla Yirrkala school (SBS). Source: SBS

Yirrkala community leaders in the Northern Territory are celebrating 50 years of bilingual education at the local government School.


A traditional ceremony to celebrate a hard-won victory in the remote government school in Yirrkala.

Karen Weston is the chief executive of the Northern Territory's education department.

“We are really keen to continue to support you to do whatever we can to support the amazing work you do at this school.”

Painted and proud, students here learn the curriculum in more than a dozen traditional languages, supported by Yolgnu and non-Indigenous teachers.

Yalmay Yunupingu is the chair of the Yirrkala School Board and 2024's Senior Australian of the Year.

“Yolngu Matha is their first language and English is their second language and this is what they are comfortable in when they are in the classroom.”

It’s been half a century since bilingual schools were established in the Northern Territory under the Commonwealth.

The Territory achieved self-government in 1978 and since then both major parties have tried to dismantle the system… they have been met with unwavering defiance from Yolngu elders and teachers.

Co-principal of the Yirrkala School, Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs says it's a process that has taken perseverance.

“We heard about it and we just kept doing what we thought was appropriate for this school.”

Yalmay Yunupingu further describes the importance of language.

"We don’t want the language to loose because language is very important it’s our identity… who we are where we come from and we can’t take that away."

The bravery to stand up for bilingual education now has government support.

Mark Monaghan is the NT's education minister.

"These people not only represented this region and fought for bilingual education - and It wasn’t an easy fight – but they fought not just for here – they fought for every other region in the Northern Territory and across the country."

The local member for this electorate of Mulka, Mark Yingiya Guyula says he is a product of bilingual education in nearby Galiwin’ku and took those principles of respect to Parliament House.

"First thing I walked into Parliament House – I spoke Yolngu Matha and they said no no no, you can't say that. Then I pushed... I want to speak Yolgnu Matha, and I got told no you can't. I pushed three times finally they said yo you can use Yolngu Matha in Parliament – so it’s there."

The next step is getting better recognition for the Yolgnu teachers leading these classrooms.

Co-principal of the Yirrkala School, Katrina Hudson explains.

"Every single one of our Yolngu staff is involved in training and that has also been a battle to keep that going with different funding cycles and it's something that we still are working towards and I guess having greater advocacy for tertiary institutions to recognise Yolngu who are working already as teachers in classrooms, and trying to tailor courses to being indiginous language specialists. "

The Department of Education wants to grow more teachers in remote communities too.

They’re bringing back the programs that nurtured teachers like Senior Australian of the Year Professor Yalmay Yunupingu… with further announcements expected in the near future.


Una cerimonia tradizionale per celebrare una vittoria faticosamente ottenuta nella remota scuola pubblica di Yirrkala.

Karen Weston è l'amministratrice delegata del dipartimento dell'istruzione dei Territori del Nord.

“We are really keen to continue to support you to do whatever we can to support the amazing work you do at this school.”

Con facce dipinte e pieni di orgoglio, gli studenti qui imparano il programma di studi in più di una dozzina di lingue indigene, supportati da insegnanti yolgnu e non indigeni.

Yalmay Yunupingu è presidentessa del consiglio scolastico di Yirrkala e Senior Australian dell'anno nel 2024.

“Yolngu Matha is their first language and English is their second language and this is what they are comfortable in when they are in the classroom.”

È passato mezzo secolo da quando le scuole bilingue sono state istituite nei Territori del Nord sotto il Commonwealth.

Il Northern Territory ha ottenuto l'autogoverno nel 1978 e da allora entrambi i principali partiti hanno cercato di smantellare il sistema... ma si sono scontrati con l'incrollabile resistenza degli anziani e degli insegnanti Yolngu.

La co-preside della scuola di Yirrkala, Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs, afferma che il processo ha richiesto perseveranza.

“We heard about it and we just kept doing what we thought was appropriate for this school.”

Yalmay Yunupingu descrive ancora l'importanza della lingua.

"We don’t want the language to loose because language is very important it’s our identity… who we are where we come from and we can’t take that away."

Il coraggio di difendere l'istruzione bilingue ha ora il sostegno del governo.

Mark Monaghan è il ministro dell'Istruzione del NT.

"These people not only represented this region and fought for bilingual education - and it wasn’t an easy fight – but they fought not just for here – they fought for every other region in the Northern Territory and across the country."

Il deputato locale per questo elettorato di Mulka, Mark Yingiya Guyula, dice di essere lui stesso un prodotto dell'istruzione bilingue nella vicina Galiwin'ku e di aver portato questi principi di rispetto in Parlamento.

"First thing I walked into Parliament House – I spoke Yolngu Matha and they said no no no, you can't say that. Then I pushed... I want to speak Yolgnu Matha, and I got told no you can't. I pushed three times finally they said yo you can use Yolngu Matha in Parliament – so it’s there."

Il prossimo passo è ottenere un migliore riconoscimento per gli insegnanti Yolgnu che guidano queste classi.

La co-preside della scuola Yirrkala, Katrina Hudson, ha spiegato.

"Every single one of our Yolngu staff is involved in training and that has also been a battle to keep that going with different funding cycles and it's something that we still are working towards and I guess having greater advocacy for tertiary institutions to recognise Yolngu who are working already as teachers in classrooms, and trying to tailor courses to being indiginous language specialists. "

Il Dipartimento dell'Istruzione vuole far crescere più insegnanti anche nelle comunità remote.

Si stanno riportando in auge i programmi che hanno dato vita a insegnanti come la professoressa Yalmay Yunupingu, Senior Australian dell'anno... con ulteriori annunci previsti nel prossimo futuro.

Report by SBS News

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