Ep.325: SBS Italian News Bulletin

Il Presidente statunitense Joe Biden con una mascherina in mano mentre si imbarca sull'Air Force One.

Il presidente statunitense Joe Biden con una mascherina in mano mentre si imbarca sull'Air Force One. Source: AP / Susan Walsh/AP

SBS Italian's News bulletin, read slowly.


** Joe Biden risulta positivo al COVID-19 mentre un altro democratico lo invita ad abbandonare la corsa presidenziale 

** Human Rights Watch dichiara che Hamas ha commesso crimini di guerra il 7 ottobre 


Il presidente Joe Biden ha dichiarato che porrebbe fine alla sua campagna presidenziale se questo fosse il consiglio dei suoi medici. 

Ha rilasciato queste dichiarazioni in un'intervista a B.E.T News.

"If I had some medical condition that emerged. If the doctors came to me and said 'you've got this problem, that problem.' But I made a serious mistake in the whole debate and look, when I originally ran, I said I was going to be a transitional candidate and I thought that I'd be able to move from this to pass it on to someone else but I didn't anticipate things getting so, so divided." 

Il Presidente Biden ha dovuto sospendere la sua campagna elettorale dopo essere risultato positivo al COVID 19.

Un numero crescente di democratici chiede che il Presidente ponga fine alla sua campagna presidenziale.


Un rapporto di Human Rights Watch ha rilevato che Hamas e almeno altri quattro gruppi armati palestinesi hanno commesso crimini di guerra e crimini contro l'umanità durante l'attacco del 7 ottobre al sud di Israele. 

Belkis Wille è direttore associato di Human Right Watch. 

"Human Rights Watch, our research found that Palestinian armed groups involved in the assault that day committed numerous violations of international humanitarian law, the laws of war, that amount to war crimes. These include the deliberate and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian objects, wilful killing of persons in custody, cruel and other inhumane treatment, crimes relating to sexual and gender based violence, hostage taking, mutilation and despoiling of bodies, use of human shields, and pillage and looting.“ 

Il rapporto ha anche rilevato che l'uccisione di civili e la presa di ostaggi erano obiettivi chiari dell'attacco pianificato e non un ripensamento.

Hamas ha respinto le conclusioni, definendo il rapporto di Human Rightsl Watch "menzogne" e chiedendo scuse. 

In un rapporto separato dello scorso aprile, Human Rights Watch ha rilevato che un attacco israeliano a un edificio residenziale di Gaza, alla fine di ottobre, che ha ucciso 106 persone, costituisce un crimine di guerra. 


L'esecutivo nazionale laburista si riunirà oggi per decidere se continuare a ricevere donazioni dalla divisione edilizia del CFMEU, che si trova in difficoltà, dopo che le sedi statali e il massimo organo sindacale hanno sospeso i legami. 

La divisione edilizia del sindacato è stata messa sotto accusa da una serie di articoli del quotidiano Nine che denunciano una condotta corrotta e legami con la criminalità organizzata.


** Joe Biden tests positive to COVID-19 as another Democrat calls for him to drop out of the presidential race 

** Human Rights Watch finds Hamas committed war crimes on October 7 


President Joe Biden says he would end his presidential campaign if that was the advice of his doctors. 

He made the comments in an interview with B.E.T News. 

"If I had some medical condition that emerged. If the doctors came to me and said 'you've got this problem, that problem.' But I made a serious mistake in the whole debate and look, when I originally ran, I said I was going to be a transitional candidate and I thought that I'd be able to move from this to pass it on to someone else but I didn't anticipate things getting so, so divided." 

President Biden has had to suspend his election campaigning after testing positive to COVID 19. 

A growing number of Democrats are calling for him to end his presidential campaign. 


A report by Human Rights Watch has found Hamas and at least four other Palestinian armed groups committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the October 7 attack on southern Israel. 

Belkis Wille is an associate director at Human Right Watch. 

"Human Rights Watch, our research found that Palestinian armed groups involved in the assault that day committed numerous violations of international humanitarian law, the laws of war, that amount to war crimes. These include the deliberate and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian objects, wilful killing of persons in custody, cruel and other inhumane treatment, crimes relating to sexual and gender based violence, hostage taking, mutilation and despoiling of bodies, use of human shields, and pillage and looting.“ 

The report has also found that killing civilians and taking hostages were clear aims of the planned attack and not an afterthought. 

Hamas rejected the findings calling the Human Right Watch report ''lies" and demanded an apology.

In a separate report last April, Human Rights Watch found an Israeli strike on a residential building in Gaza in late October that killed 106 people constituted a war crime. 


Labor's national executive will meet today to decide whether it will continue taking donations from the embattled CFMEU's construction division after state branches and the peak union body suspended links. 

The union's construction division has been under fire over a series of Nine newspaper reports alleging corrupt conduct and organised crime links.

Report by SBS News

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