Ep. 297: SBS Italian News Bulletin

Japanese plane on fire after deadly collision.

Japanese plane on fire after deadly collision. Source: AFP / STR

SBS Italian's News bulletin, read slowly.


** Massacre of pilgrims in Iran, over 100 dead in Kerman. Tehran government speaks of a terrorist attack

** An investigation opened into the Tokyo air disaster in which five people died


At least one hundred people in Iran have been killed after two explosive devices were set off during a crowded ceremony commemorating top commander Qassem Soleimani.

Iranian state television says at least 103 people have been killed in the blasts and another 211 have been injured.

The attack is one of the worst of its kind in Iran and the government says today will be a day of mourning.

Iranian officials condemned the attack and say they are blaming unspecified terrorists as no one is claiming responsibility for the attacks yet.

The United Nations spokesperson for the Secretary-General, Florencia Soto Nino spoke following the attacks:

"The Secretary-General strongly condemns the attack today on a memorial ceremony in Kerman City in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which reportedly killed more than 100 people and injured many more. The Secretary-General calls for those responsible to be held accountable and the Secretary-General expresses his deep condolences to the bereaved families and the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and he wishes the injured a speedy recovery."


Police and safety authorities have begun investigating a crash between an airliner and a smaller plane at a Tokyo airport. There is a concern it may have involved professional negligence.

Japan Airlines has said in a statement the Japan Airlines aircraft recognised and repeated its landing permission from air traffic control before approaching and touching down.

The Coast Guard has declined to comment on the exact circumstances surrounding the crash, including why the plane was on the runway and whether it was stationary or moving when disaster struck.

Though five crew members of the Coast Guard plane were killed in the collision, one of the passengers of the Japan Airlines aircraft, Tsubasa Sawada, says he is still amazed they all escaped with their lives.

"I can only say it was a miracle. We could have died if we were late evacuating. I want to know why this happened. Also, I don’t want to go on planes anymore.”


Wildlife officers in Queensland are on the hunt for a crocodile that reportedly leapt into the boat of a fisherman on New Year's Eve.

Rangers are scouring the waterways around Jane Creek, north of Mackay, after a local reported the five-meter crocodile swum under the tin boat of the fisherman, then turned and launched itself into the vessel with its jaws wide open before falling out when the 45-year-old tried to grab the tinny's anchor.

A team from the Department of Environment and Science in Mackay will also complete a daytime site assessment and install crocodile sighting warning signs.

Queensland DES senior wildlife officer Jane Burns says if the crocodile is found and assessed to be a risk to public safety, it will be targeted for removal from the wild.

She says the fisherman is a lucky man.

"To the knowledge of our team of crocodile behaviour, it is truly remarkable that this gentleman didn't get injured during this event, if it went down exactly how it's been described to us. It is quite amazing for that to occur, for an animal to actually launch itself into a boat."


** Iran, strage di pellegrini, oltre 100 i morti a Kerman. Il governo di Teheran parla di attentato terroristico

** Giappone, aperta un'inchiesta sul disastro aereo di Tokyo nel quale sono morte cinque persone


Almeno cento persone sono rimaste uccise in Iran dopo l'esplosione di due ordigni durante un'affollata cerimonia di commemorazione del comandante supremo Qassem Soleimani.

La televisione di Stato iraniana afferma che almeno 103 persone sono state uccise nelle esplosioni e altre 211 sono rimaste ferite.

L'attacco è uno dei peggiori del suo genere in Iran e il governo ha dichiarato che oggi sarà un giorno di lutto.

I funzionari iraniani hanno condannato l'attacco e hanno attribuito la colpa a non meglio precisati terroristi, dato che nessuno ha ancora rivendicato la responsabilità degli attacchi.

La portavoce del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, Florencia Soto Nino, ha parlato dopo gli attacchi:

"The Secretary-General strongly condemns the attack today on a memorial ceremony in Kerman City in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which reportedly killed more than 100 people and injured many more. The Secretary-General calls for those responsible to be held accountable and the Secretary-General expresses his deep condolences to the bereaved families and the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and he wishes the injured a speedy recovery."


La polizia e le autorità preposte alla sicurezza hanno aperto un’indagine sull'incidente tra un aereo di linea e un velivolo più piccolo in un aeroporto di Tokyo. Si teme che possa essere stato causato da negligenza professionale.

La Japan Airlines ha dichiarato in un comunicato che il loro aereo ha riconosciuto e ripetuto il permesso di atterraggio ricevuto dalla stazione di controllo del traffico aereo prima di avvicinarsi e atterrare.

La Guardia Costiera ha rifiutato di commentare le circostanze esatte dell'incidente, compreso il motivo per cui l'aereo si trovava sulla pista e se fosse fermo o in movimento al momento del disastro.

Sebbene cinque membri dell'equipaggio dell'aereo della Guardia Costiera siano rimasti uccisi nella collisione, uno dei passeggeri dell'aereo della Japan Airlines, Tsubasa Sawada, afferma di essere ancora stupito che tutti i passeggeri si siano salvati.

"I can only say it was a miracle. We could have died if we were late evacuating. I want to know why this happened. Also, I don’t want to go on planes anymore.”


Le guardie forestali del Queensland sono a caccia di un coccodrillo che, secondo quanto riferito, è saltato sulla barca di un pescatore la notte di Capodanno.

I ranger stanno setacciando i corsi d'acqua intorno a Jane Creek, a nord di Mackay, dopo che un abitante del luogo ha riferito che il coccodrillo lungo cinque metri ha nuotato sotto la barchetta di latta del pescatore, poi si è girato e si è lanciato sull'imbarcazione con le fauci spalancate, prima di cadere quando il 45enne ha cercato di afferrare l'ancora della barca.

Una squadra del Dipartimento dell'Ambiente e della Scienza di Mackay completerà anche una valutazione diurna del sito e installerà cartelli di avvertimento per l'avvistamento dei coccodrilli.

Jane Burns, funzionaria del DES del Queensland, ha dichiarato che se il coccodrillo verrà trovato e ritenuto un rischio per la sicurezza pubblica, verrà rimosso dal suo habitat naturale.

Secondo Burns, il pescatore è un uomo fortunato.

 "To the knowledge of our team of crocodile behaviour, it is truly remarkable that this gentleman didn't get injured during this event, if it went down exactly how it's been described to us. It is quite amazing for that to occur, for an animal to actually launch itself into a boat."

Report by SBS News

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