** Il primo ministro Anthony Albanese annuncia i piani di riforma dell'NDIS
** Diverse persone trasportate in ospedale dopo una sparatoria all'università di Las Vegas
È stata promessa alle persone coinvolte nel National Disability Insurance Scheme una esperienza migliore e un sostegno più ampio.
Il governo federale renderà pubblico oggi il rapporto di una revisione indipendente del programma, condotta da uno dei suoi creatori, il professor Bruce Bonyhady, e dall'ex funzionario pubblico Lisa Paul.
Ieri il primo ministro Anthony Albanese ha raggiunto un primo accordo con i leader degli Stati e dei Territori durante una riunione del consiglio dei ministri nazionale per rispondere alla revisione.
Secondo Albanese, l'NDIS, che sta mettendo sotto pressione i bilanci statali a causa dell'aumento della domanda e dei costi, necessita di una riforma per garantire che possa continuare a sostenere le persone con disabilità.
"National Cabinet agreed to work together to implement legislative and other changes to the NDIS to improve the experience of participants and restore the original intent of the scheme to support people with permanent and significant disability with a broader ecosystem of supports."
La vice leader liberale Sussan Ley ha chiesto al governo Albanese di scusarsi con gli australiani, mentre il partito laburista sta cercando di trattenere i non cittadini recentemente rilasciati dal regime di detenzione per migranti che potrebbero rappresentare un rischio per la sicurezza della comunità.
Il governo non ha rivelato quanti stranieri potrebbero finire dietro le sbarre in base alle leggi che istituiscono un regime di detenzione preventiva, approvate ieri dal Parlamento.
Un uomo di 45 anni è diventato il quarto ex detenuto a essere accusato di nuovi reati dopo aver, secondo le accuse, violato il coprifuoco previsto dalle condizioni del suo visto e rubato dei bagagli all'aeroporto di Melbourne.
Il procuratore generale Mark Dreyfus ha rifiutato di scusarsi con gli australiani per il rilascio dei detenuti.
"I will not be apologising for upholding the law, I will not be apologising for pursuing the rule of law, and I will not be apologising for acting. Do not interrupt; I will not be apologising for acting in accordance with a high court decision; your question is an absurd one."
La polizia di Las Vegas ha risposto alle segnalazioni della presenza di un aggressore nel campus locale dell'università del Nevada, dove sono risultate diverse vittime, riferendo poi che il sospetto era "deceduto".
Il Dipartimento di Polizia Metropolitana di Las Vegas non ha ancora chiarito le circostanze dell'incidente né lo stato delle vittime, ma ha invitato i residenti a evitare la zona.
La polizia ha dichiarato che l'incidente è avvenuto nei pressi della Beam Hall, un edificio del campus che ospita la scuola di economia e altre strutture.
Questa donna che è stata evacuata ha descritto quello che ha visto.
''We were evacuated by police holding guns. We all like walked out with our arms up. When we were walking out, we saw one of the windows had been shot through. So we got out. You know, they did a really good job giving us updates, telling us where the shooter was, getting us out quick. We know that there was at least one shooter in the business building on the second floor. We heard maybe there was a second shooter, maybe, but we're just glad that we're out.''
** Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announces plans to reform the NDIS
** Multiple people rushed to hospital in University of Las Vegas mass shooting
People involved in the National Disability Insurance Scheme have been promised a better experience and broader support.
The federal government will today release the report of an independent review of the scheme by one of the architects, Professor Bruce Bonyhady, and former senior public servant Lisa Paul.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese struck an initial deal with state and territory leaders at a national cabinet meeting yesterday to respond to the review.
Mr Albanese says the NDIS, which is putting pressure on government budgets as demand and costs rise, needed reform to ensure it could continue to support those living with a disability.
"National Cabinet agreed to work together to implement legislative and other changes to the NDIS to improve the experience of participants and restore the original intent of the scheme to support people with permanent and significant disability with a broader ecosystem of supports."
Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley has called on the Albanese government to apologise to Australians as Labor looks to detain recently released non-citizens from immigration detention who may pose a risk to community safety.
The government is not revealing how many foreigners could end up behind bars under laws to set up a preventive detention regime which passed the parliament yesterday.
A 45-year-old man became the fourth former detainee to be charged with fresh offences after he allegedly broke the curfew of his visa conditions and stole luggage from Melbourne airport.
Attorney General Mark Dreyfus refused to apologise to Australians over the release of the detainees.
"I will not be apologising for upholding the law, I will not be apologising for pursuing the rule of law, and I will not be apologising for acting. Do not interrupt; I will not be apologising for acting in accordance with a high court decision; your question is an absurd one."
Las Vegas police have responded to reports of a shooter on the local campus of the University of Nevada, where there appeared to be multiple victims, and then reported the suspect was "deceased".
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has so far not elaborated on the circumstances of the incident or status of the victims but urged residents to avoid the area.
Police said the incident occurred around Beam Hall, a campus building that houses the business school and other facilities.
This woman who was evacuated describes what she saw.
''We were evacuated by police holding guns. We all like walked out with our arms up. When we were walking out, we saw one of the windows had been shot through. So we got out. You know, they did a really good job giving us updates, telling us where the shooter was, getting us out quick. We know that there was at least one shooter in the business building on the second floor. We heard maybe there was a second shooter, maybe, but we're just glad that we're out.''