** Il primo ministro dichiara che l’incidente degli agenti di polizia ricorda a tutti di rimanere sicuri sulle strade durante Pasqua
** Affonda la nave ammiraglia russa Moskva
Il primo ministro ha reso noto che i quattro agenti, coinvolti in un incidente d’auto durante il suo evento in campagna elettorale di ieri in Tasmania, stanno riprendendosi bene.
Parlando ai giornalisti dopo una messa per Venerdì Santo, Scott Morrison ha dichiarato che due agenti sono stati dimessi, mentre altri due rimangono in ospedale.
"I've been able to send messages to them and I know that they're all very grateful. I'm hoping to be able to speak to them today... And so, you know, we're looking forward to their recovery. But they are doing well, and they are getting great support - have had particularly great support overnight down there at Launceston General Hospital."
Morrison ha detto che l’incidente ricorda a tutti di rimanere sicuri sulle strade nel periodo di Pasqua.
È stato rivelato che il governo federale ha aumentato senza pubblicizzarlo l’ammontare delle sovvenzioni per i disastri naturali disponibili ai residenti colpiti dalle alluvioni nel New South Wales settentrionale – ma che ancora una volta ha escluso chi si trovava nei seggi tenuti dai laburisti.
Il Guardian ha riportato che sono stati aggiunti ulteriori 350 dollari ai 642.70 di indennizzi ogni due settimane per le vittime delle inondazioni che sono temporaneamente impossibilitate a lavorare nell’area di Lismore.
L’iniziativa ha scatenato nuove accuse che i residenti di Lismore stiano ricevendo un trattamento di favore perché vivono in un elettorato al momento nelle mani della Coalizione.
Queste accuse sono nate per la prima volta dopo che un indennizzo extra di 200 dollari venne garantito ai residenti del seggio di Lismore tenuto dai Nationals, mentre quelli negli elettorati laburisti di Ballina, Richmond e Clarence Valley erano stati inizialmente esclusi.
È affondata la nave ammiraglia russa Moskva.
Fonti ucraine hanno comunicato che le loro forze hanno colpito l’incrociatore nel Mar Nero, mentre le autorità russe sostengono che l’affondamento sia dovuto ad un incendio a bordo le cui cause non sono state rese note.
La perdita della nave da guerra ammonterebbe ad una grande sconfitta militare e simbolica per Mosca, nel momento in cui le sue truppe si stanno riorganizzando per un nuovo attacco nell’Ucraina orientale dopo essersi ritirate dalla maggior parte del nord.
Gli Stati Uniti non hanno potuto confermare la rivendicazione ucraina di aver colpito la Moskva, ma il consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale americano Jake Sullivan ha dichiarato che si tratta di “un duro colpo per la Russia”.
"This is their flagship, the Moscow, and they have now been forced to admit that it has been badly damaged and they've had to kind of choose between two stories. One story is that it was just incompetence, and the other was that they came under attack, and neither is a particularly good outcome for them."
** The P-M says police officers' car accident is a reminder for people to stay safe on the roads over Easter
** Russia's flagship war vessel Moskva sinks
The Prime Minister says the four officers involved in a car accident during his campaigning event in Tasmania yesterday are recovering well.
Speaking to reporters after a Good Friday church service, Scott Morrison said two of the officers have been discharged, and two others remain in hospital.
"I've been able to send messages to them and I know that they're all very grateful. I'm hoping to be able to speak to them today... And so, you know, we're looking forward to their recovery. But they are doing well, and they are getting great support - have had particularly great support overnight down there at Launceston General Hospital."
Mr Morrison says the accident is a reminder for people to stay safe on the roads over Easter.
It has been revealed that the federal government quietly increased the amount of disaster grant payments available to flood-affected residents of northern New South Wales - but again left out those in Labor held seats.
The Guardian has reported that a $350 a week top up has been added to the $642.70 a fortnight recovery allowance payment for those victims of the floods who are temporarily unable to work in the Lismore local government area.
The move has sparked new accusations that Lismore residents are getting special treatment because they currently live in an electorate held by the Coalition.
Those accusations first arose when $2000 worth of extra disaster relief funding was given to residents in the National party seat of Lismore, while those in the Labor-held electorates of Ballina, Richmond and Clarence Valley were initially left out.
Russia's flagship war vessel Moskva has sunk.
Ukrainian officials say their forces hit the Black Sea missile cruiser, while Russian authorities maintain that an unexplained fire on board was the cause.
The loss of the warship would be a major military and symbolic defeat for Moscow, as its troops regroup for a renewed offensive in eastern Ukraine after retreating from much of the north.
The U-S was unable to confirm Ukraine's claims of striking Moskva, but U-S national security adviser Jake Sullivan says it is "a big blow for Russia".
"This is their flagship, the Moscow, and they have now been forced to admit that it has been badly damaged and they've had to kind of choose between two stories. One story is that it was just incompetence, and the other was that they came under attack, and neither is a particularly good outcome for them."
Report by Brooke Young