Ep.203: SBS Italian News Bulletin

President Zelenskyy speaks to US Congress

President Zelenskyy speaks to US Congress. Source: AAP

SBS Italian's News bulletin, read slowly.


** Il presidente americano Joe Biden definisce il leader russo Vladimir Putin un “criminale di guerra”

** Il Giappone è stato colpito da un forte sisma di 7.3 gradi di magnitudine, che ha causato due vittime e oltre 90 feriti 


Gli Stati Uniti forniranno ulteriori 800 milioni di dollari in sostegni militari per aiutare l’Ucraina a respingere gli attacchi aerei russi, rifiutandosi però di imporre una no-fly zone. 

In un passionale discorso in diretta streaming, il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelenskiy ha invitato gli Stati Uniti a imporre ulteriori sanzioni, tra cui il ritiro di tutte le imprese statunitensi e ad imporre, con l’aiuto della NATO, una no-fly zone sull’Ucraina. 

La segretaria stampa della Casa Bianca Jen Psaki ha dichiarato che la Casa Bianca è comprensiva verso gli appelli del presidente Zelenskyy affinché il congresso statunitense faccia di più per aiutare la lotta dell’Ucraina contro la Russia. 

“If we were President Zelenskyy, we would be asking for everything possible as well and continuing to ask for it because he is watching his country and his people be attacked and brutalized by President Putin and the Russian military. But how President Biden makes decisions is through the prism of our own national security. And, and as we've said before, a no-fly zone would require implementation. It would require us potentially shooting down Russian planes. NATO shooting down Russian planes, and we are not interested in getting into World War Three.” 

Il discorso segue l’aumento delle tensioni tra Stati Uniti e Russia, con il presidente Joe Biden che ha chiamato Vladimir Putin “criminale di guerra”. 

Funzionari di Mosca hanno risposto descrivendo i commenti di Biden come “retorica imperdonabile”. 


lllUn forte terremoto di magnitudine 7.3 al largo della costa nord est del Giappone ha causato due vittime e oltre 90 feriti. 

Il sisma ha colpito poco prima di mezzanotte al largo della costa della prefettura di Fukushima, innescando un allarme tsunami che è poi stato cancellato. 

Un treno ad alta velocità è deragliato con circa 100 persone a bordo – non ci sono state notizie di feriti. 

Nella capitale Tokyo centinaia di migliaia di abitazioni sono rimaste temporaneamente senza elettricità. 

Il governo del Giappone ha reso noto che non sono state riportate anomalie nelle centrali nucleari del Paese. 

Il capo segretario di gabinetto Hirokazu Matsuno ha lanciato l’allarme per la possibilità di pericolose scosse di assestamento. 

WITH TRANSLATION: "Please be vigilant for earthquakes with shaking intensity scale of 6 or higher over the next week. In particular, strong quakes often occur 2 or 3 days after the previous earthquake."


** US President Joe Biden labels Russian leader Vladimir Putin a 'war criminal' 

** Japan hit with a powerful 7-point-3 magnitude earthquake, leaving two people dead and over 90 others injured 


The United States will provide an additional $800 million in military aid to assist Ukraine in fighting off Russian airstrikes but are still refusing to implement a no-fly zone. 

In an impassioned, livestreamed address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called on the United States Congress for further sanctions against Russia, including the withdrawal of all U-S businesses and to along with NATO implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki says the White House was empathetic to the appeals of President Zelenskyy for the U-S Congress to do more to help Ukraine's fight against Russia. 

“If we were President Zelenskyy, we would be asking for everything possible as well and continuing to ask for it because he is watching his country and his people be attacked and brutalized by President Putin and the Russian military. But how President Biden makes decisions is through the prism of our own national security. And, and as we've said before, a no-fly zone would require implementation. It would require us potentially shooting down Russian planes. NATO shooting down Russian planes, and we are not interested in getting into World War Three.” 

It comes as tensions between the United States and Russia have continued to heat up, with President Joe Biden calling the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin a 'war criminal'. 

Moscow officials responded, calling Biden's comments unforgivable rhetoric. 


A powerful 7-point-3 magnitude earthquake off Japan's northeast coast has left two people dead and over 90 others injured. 

The quake struck just before midnight off the coast of the Fukushima prefecture, triggering a tsunami warning that's since been cancelled. 

A bullet train derailed with around 100 people on board - there were no reports of injuries. 

In the capital, Tokyo, hundreds of thousands of homes temporarily lost power. 

Japan's government says there have been no reports of abnormalities at the country's nuclear power plants. 

 Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno has warned of the potential for dangerous aftershocks. 

WITH TRANSLATION: "Please be vigilant for earthquakes with shaking intensity scale of 6 or higher over the next week. In particular, strong quakes often occur 2 or 3 days after the previous earthquake."

Report by Tina Quinn
