Ep.198: A spat at sea: Cook's Endeavour discovery

An Australian replica of Captain Cook's Endeavour

An Australian replica of Captain Cook's Endeavour. Source: AAP

Experts are questioning whether a ship wrecked in Newport Harbour in the United States is indeed the H-M-B Endeavor used by British explorer James Cook.


Per quasi 250 anni il relitto dell’H-M-B Endeavour è rimasto intoccato sul fondo dell’oceano.

Ricercatori marittimi in Australia sono andati alla sua caccia negli ultimi 22 anni, e ora l’Australian National Maritime Museum ha annunciato di aver ritrovato il relitto.

Kevin Sumption è il direttore dell’Australian National Maritime Museum.

"Yes the Australian national maritime museum, together with RIMAP have found the wreck of Cook's endeavour. It has been announced previously that this may have been the site that the vessel the Endeavour was to be found. But it has been a few years of detailed scientific work that we can conclusively confirm this is indeed the wreck of Cook's Endeavor.”

Ma attimi dopo l’annuncio del National Maritime Museum, il suo partner nella ricerca -il progetto Rhode Island Marine Archaeology ha detto che la dichiarazione è “prematura” e una “violazione del contratto”.

Ha inoltre reso noto che “non ci sono dati inconfutabili” per provare che il relitto sia effettivamente l’Endeavour.

Questo è quello su cui entrambi concordano:

L’HMS Endeavour è stata la prima nave europea ad attraccare in Australia nel 1771 con il capitano Cook a bordo.

Sette anni più tardi si trovava nel fondo dell’oceano.

Ancora Sumption.

"We now know that the vessel was scuttled in Newport Rhode Island in an attempt to stop a French fleet attacking that British garrison in August 1778. And it was scuttled along with 12 other ships in this attempt to save the British Garrison which eventually unfortunately did fall. "

E il National Maritime Museum insiste di non aver fatto nulla di sbagliato, raccontando a SBS in una dichiarazione di essere convinti che i resti trovati a Newport Harbour siano proprio quelli dell’Endeavour.

Inoltre il museo ha dichiarato di non aver violato alcun accordo attuale.

Al Maritime Museum di Sydney, la replica dell’Endeavour è una delle attrazioni principali.

Ma dopo questa rivelazione, l’originale – o almeno parti di esso – potrà presto venire anch’esso mostrato al museo, se i dubbi sulla sua autenticità verranno risolti,


For nearly 250 years - the wreck of the H-M-B Endeavour has been untouched at the bottom of the ocean.

For the past 22 years, maritime researchers in Australia have been on the hunt, with the Australian National Maritime Museum now saying the wreck has been found.

Kevin Sumption is the Australian National Maritime Museum's chief executive.

"Yes the Australian national maritime museum, together with RIMAP have found the wreck of Cook's endeavour. It has been announced previously that this may have been the site that the vessel the Endeavour was to be found. But it has been a few years of detailed scientific work that we can conclusively confirm this is indeed the wreck of Cook's Endeavor.”

But moments after the National Maritime Museum's announcement, its search partner - the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology project said the declaration was 'premature' - and a 'breach of contract'.

It also said there was 'no indisputable data' to prove the wreckage is, in fact, the Endeavour.

What they can both agree on - is this.

HMS Endeavour was the first European ship to dock in Australia in 1771 with Captain James Cook on board.

Seven years later - it was on the ocean floor.

Mr Sumption again.

"We now know that the vessel was scuttled in Newport Rhode Island in an attempt to stop a French fleet attacking that British garrison in August 1778. And it was scuttled along with 12 other ships in this attempt to save the British Garrison which eventually unfortunately did fall. "

And the National Maritime Museum insists it's done nothing wrong, telling SBS in a statement that they're confident the remnants found at Newport Harbour are in fact the Endeavour.

They say they did not breach any of their current commitments.

At Sydney’s Maritime Museum – a replica of the Endeavour is one of the main attractions.

But after this revelation, the real thing, or part of it at least, could soon be seen at the museum too if the confusion about its authenticity can be resolved. 

Report by Omoh Bello and Massilia Aili 
