Ep.170: Two billionaire flights in two weeks herald new era in space

Wally Funk acknowledges the media during a news conference on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas.

Wally Funk acknowledges the media during a news conference on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas. Source: Blue Origin

Billionaire Jeff Bezos has made it into space, riding his own company's rocket. It was Blue Origin's first flight with people on board after 15 test flights.


Il fondatore di Amazon si è lanciato nello spazio con un gruppo selezionato che comprendeva suo fratello minore, un 18enne dai Paesi bassi e una pioniera dell’aviazione di 82 anni. 


Jeff Bezos, fondatore di Amazon e uno degli uomini più ricchi del mondo, si è innalzato al di sopra dei cieli del deserto del Texas a bordo di New Shepard, il razzo vettore della sua compagnia Blue Origin, per poi ritornare in sicurezza sulla Terra. 

Si tratta del secondo volo suborbitale in due settimane, che annuncia una nuova era di turismo spaziale commerciale gestito da privati. 

In seguito, Bezos ha ringraziato i clienti e gli impiegati di Amazon per aver reso questo volo possible. 

"I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer, because you guys paid for all of this. So seriously for every Amazon customer out there and every Amazon employee, thank you from the bottom of my heart very much. It's very appreciated. And, now on how it felt? Oh, my God! My expectations were high and they were dramatically exceeded." 

Ad unirsi a Bezos e suo fratello Mark Bezos, un dirigente di fondi privati, c’era Wally Funk, una pilota pioniera di 82 anni ed un 18enne fresco di diploma di superiori dai Paesi Bassi, Oliver Daemen. 

Funk faceva parte del gruppo di donne chiamato Mercury 13 che si addestrò per diventare astronaute della NASA all’inizio degli anni ’60, ma che venne esclu sa per via del suo genere. 

Funk ha ringraziato Bezos, che ha chiamato ‘tesoro’, per averla invitata a realizzare il sogno di volare nello spazio. 

"I felt like I was just laying down. I was just laying down and I was going into space. And I want to thank you, sweetheart, because you made it possible for me. I've been waiting a long time to finally get it up there. And I've done a lot of astronaut training through the world, Russia, America. And I could always beat the guys on what they were doing because I was always stronger and I've always done everything on my own." 

Il teenager Oliver Daemon che sin da piccolo era affascinato dallo spazio, è diventato il quarto olandese a recarsi nello spazio dopo che suo padre Joes Daemen, presidente di una finanziaria nei Paesi Bassi, ha pagato una somma di denaro che non è stata resa nota per un posto. 

Il teenager avrebbe dovuto viaggiare nel secondo viaggio nello spazio di Bezos, ma è stato spostato nel primo volo dopo che il passeggero iniziale – che aveva pagato 28 milioni per il posto – si è ritirato dal volo per un conflitto di impegni. 

Al suo ritorno, Oliver si è gettato tra le braccia del padre non appena il portellone della capsula spaziale si è aperto. 


La NASA sta incoraggiando l’uso di compagnie commerciali per missioni spaziali, dopo il successo dei voli di Blue Origin e Virgin Galactic.  

La portavoce della Casa Bianca Jen Psaki ha reso omaggio alla presenza nel volo di Wally Funk, sostenendo che “è la nuova fidanzatina d’America”. 

"First, I would say if the United States is the first country to have private companies taking private passengers to space, this is a moment of American exceptionalism. That's how we see it. So NASA is excited to see these achievements. Our charter requires that NASA's charter requires that agencies seek and encourage to the maximum extent possible, the fullest commercial use of space. So we certainly support these endeavours. Wally Funk is now on my list of people that I would most like to meet in the country. She's the America's new sweetheart." 

Jeff Bezos ha volato ai confine dello spazio con gli occhialoni che l’aviatrice americana Amelia Earhart indossò durante il suo volo in solitaria del 1928, il primo compito da una donna attraverso l’Atlantico. 


The Amazon founder blasted into space with a hand-picked group that included his younger brother, an 18-year-old from the Netherlands and an 82-year-old aviation pioneer from Texas.


Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and the world's richest man, soared above the Texas desert aboard his company Blue Origin's New Shepard launch vehicle and returned safely to Earth. 

It's the second suborbital flight in as many weeks heralding a new era of private commercial space tourism. 

Afterward, Mr Bezos thanked Amazon's customers and employees for making the flight possible. 

"I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer, because you guys paid for all of this. So seriously for every Amazon customer out there and every Amazon employee, thank you from the bottom of my heart very much. It's very appreciated. And, now on how it felt? Oh, my God! My expectations were high and they were dramatically exceeded." 

Mr Bezos and his brother Mark Bezos, a private equity executive, were joined by 82 year-old pioneering female aviator Wally Funk, and 18 year-old recent high school graduate from the Netherlands, Oliver Daemen. 

Ms Funk was one of the so-called Mercury 13 group of women who trained to become NASA astronauts in the early 1960s but was passed over because of her gender. 

She thanked Mr Bezos, who she calls 'sweetheart', for inviting her to fulfil the dream of flying to space. 

"I felt like I was just laying down. I was just laying down and I was going into space. And I want to thank you, sweetheart, because you (Bezos) made it possible for me. I've been waiting a long time to finally get it up there. And I've done a lot of astronaut training through the world, Russia, America. And I could always beat the guys on what they were doing because I was always stronger and I've always done everything on my own. " 

Teen Oliver Daemon who was fascinated by space as a child, became the fourth Dutchman to go into space after his father, Joes Daemen, the CEO of a Private Equity Firm in the Netherlands, paid an undisclosed amount for the seat. 

The teenager was set to fly on Mr Bezos' second flight to space, but instead was moved to the first flight after the initial passenger - who'd paid $28 million for the seat - backed out of the flight due to a scheduling conflict. 

Upon returning, Oliver rushed into his father's arms as soon as the space capsule hatch opened. 


NASA is encouraging the use of commercial companies for space missions after the successful flights of Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic.  

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki hailed the presence on the flight of Wally Funk, saying "she's America's new sweetheart." 

"First, I would say if the United States is the first country to have private companies taking private passengers to space, this is a moment of American exceptionalism. That's how we see it. So NASA is excited to see these achievements. Our charter requires that NASA's charter requires that agencies seek and encourage to the maximum extent possible, the fullest commercial use of space. So we certainly support these endeavours. Wally Funk is now on my list of people that I would most like to meet in the country. She's the America's new sweetheart." 

Jeff Bezos flew to the edge of space with American aviator Amelia Earhart's glasses which she wore on her flight as the first female to cross the Atlantic solo in 1928. 

Report by Essam Al-Ghalib
