Ep.162: Rotterdam hosts COVID-Safe Eurovision song contest

Manizha (Russia) during the first dress rehearsal of the first semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 at Ahoy arena in Rotterdam, Netherlands. (Photo by DPPA/Sipa USA)

Manizha (Russia) during the first dress rehearsal of the first semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 Source: DPPA/Sipa USA

Eurovision week has arrived and fans are more than ready to embrace the glitz and theatrics after last year's event was cancelled. It will be a song contest like no other in Rotterdam and there have already been a couple of COVID-19 scares.


Chanting sound effects, fade under VO

L'artista russa Manizha Sangin sta scaldando le sue corde vocali in attesa dell'Eurovision Song Contest.

Parteciperanno alla 65esima edizione della competizione 39 concorrenti, dopo la sospensione di un anno a causa della pandemia di coronavius.

La cantante Natalia Gordienko rappresenta la Moldavia e l'autore russo Philipp Kirkorov le ha scritto la sua composizione, 'Sugar'.

VO translation "We sing about love, joy and happiness that we want to bring to life, for it to be as sweet as these candies that we love."


L'artista Montaigne rappresenta l'Australia ma è rimasta a Sydney e verrà trasmessa una registrazione della sua esibizione.

Si è detta incerta su come la sua canzone 'Technicolour' possa venire recepita vista sul video invece che in diretta sul palco.

"We were doing ours in a studio box, over there they’ll do it in a massive arena which accommodates pyro and confetti and all those grand things. So that’ll be the biggest thing I think, but I'm hoping at the end of the day it’s a song contest, I’m hoping the strength of the song and the delivery of the song will sort of carry itself.”

Questo è il suo secondo tentativo di partecipare all'evento, dopo che non ha potuto eseguire la sua canzone del 2020 'Don't Break Me.'

Ha raccontato a SBS News che la sua esibizione è molto drammatica, dinamica e maestosa.

"So it's just about you know twisting what I usually do into more of a Eurovision aesthetic and it wasn't too hard ultimately. Technicolour came pretty naturally. The thing about me with song-writing is I trust I'm going to write the right song, or a song at least I like and I think is really good at some point. It takes literally a day. It just have to keep doing days until you hit that day. It doesn't take too long."

Tutto lo staff che lavora alla competizione viene sottoposto a test per il Covid-19 ogni 48 ore.

Ma alcuni membri delle delegazioni islandesi e polacche sono risultati positivi nel fine settimana e si trovano ora in isolamento.

Il supervisore esecutivo Martin Osterdahl ha dichiarato che ci si attendeva i casi.

"We're doing everything we can to minimise the impact of it and we have done a lot of preparation before coming here with the back-up tapes, the live-on-tape back up that you probably know about that we introduced all the way back in September."

Il responsabile insiste sul fatto che le misure sanitarie rimangono in vigore.

"We had to be realistic, we knew we weren’t going to be able to make the pandemic go away, unfortunately. I didn’t expect us to return to our home countries with no positive cases, it’s just the way it is.”

Il vincitore del 65esimo Eurovision Song Contest verrà incoronato questo fine settimana di fronte ad un pubblico circoscritto in Olanda.


Chanting sound effects, fade under VO

Russian performer Manizha Sangin is warming up her vocal chords in preparation for the Eurovision Song Contest.

39 entrants will take part in the 65th competition being held after a year off because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Singer Natalia Gordienko is representing Moldova and Russian song-writer Philipp Kirkorov penned her tune, 'Sugar'.

"VO translation "We sing about love, joy and happiness that we want to bring to life, for it to be as sweet as these candies that we love."


Artist Montaigne is representing Australia but she's staying in Sydney and a recording of her performance will be aired.

She is unsure how her song 'Technicolour' will be received when it's viewed on video, rather than live on stage.

"We were doing ours in a studio box, over there they’ll do it in a massive arena which accommodates pyro and confetti and all those grand things. So that’ll be the biggest thing I think, but I'm hoping at the end of the day it’s a song contest, I’m hoping the strength of the song and the delivery of the song will sort of carry itself.”

It's her second attempt to participate in the event after she missed out on performing her 2020 song 'Don't Break Me.'

She's told SBS News her performance is about high drama, dynamics and grandeur.

"So it's just about you know twisting what I usually do into more of a Eurovision aesthetic and it wasn't too hard ultimately. Technicolour came pretty naturally. The thing about me with song-writing is I trust I'm going to write the right song, or a song at least I like and I think is really good at some point. It takes literally a day. It just have to keep doing days until you hit that day. It doesn't take too long."

All staff working at the contest have Covid-19 testing every 48 hours.

But members of the Icelandic and Polish delegations recorded positive results over the weekend and they’re now in isolation.

Eurovision's executive supervisor Martin Osterdahl says cases were expected.

"We're doing everything we can to minimise the impact of it and we have done a lot of preparation before coming here with the back-up tapes, the live-on-tape back up that you probably know about that we introduced all the way back in September."

He insists effective health measures are in place.

"We had to be realistic, we knew we weren’t going to be able to make the pandemic go away, unfortunately. I didn’t expect us to return to our home countries with no positive cases, it’s just the way it is.”

The winner of the 65th Eurovision Song Contest will be crowned this weekend in front of a limited audience in the Netherlands. 

Report by Stephanie Corsetti and Ben Lewis
