** Il ministro della sanità Mark Butler affronta il tema della carenza di medicinali
** Un uomo australiano disperso su una nave da crociera diretta alle Hawaii
Il ministro della sanità Mark Butler ha replicato alle accuse da parte dell’associazione dei farmacisti che i cambiamenti al Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme causeranno carenza di medicinali.
Con i cambiamenti che iniziano a settembre, verrà concesso a diversi australiani di procurarsi medicinali da usare in 60 giorni con una singola ricetta.
Il gruppo di pressione dei farmacisti ritiene che la modifica porterà a carenze di medicinali, ma il ministro della sanità Mark Butler non è di questo avviso.
"Seven of these 325 is the advice I've received from the medicine's authorities. In addition to that, there are some brands of medicines that are in short supply as well but the advice to me from the medicine's authority is that there are alternative brands available, for example for people who need cholesterol medication or blood pressure medication. So, I think this is a case of the pharmacy lobby seeking to sort of ramp up concerns that people might have about a policy that just makes good sense."
Un uomo australiano è risultato disperso dopo essere caduto in mare da una nava da crociera diretta verso le Hawaii.
L’uomo era un passeggero della nave Quantum Of The Seas della Royal Caribbean Cruises, che era partita un paio di settimane fa dal porto di Brisbane.
L’equipaggio ha partecipato alla ricerca del passeggero, ma dopo il mancato ritrovamento la nave da crociera ha continuato il suo percorso come da programma.
La guardia costiera americana ha ora assunto le ricerche.
Il governo federale ha annunciato 3.8 miliardi di dollari per migliorare le basi di difesa nel nord del Paese nel corso dei prossimi quattro anni.
I fondi giungono a seguito della raccomandazione contenuta nella storica revisione strategica della difesa, pubblicata ad inizio settimana in forma desecretata.
La revisione ha riscontrato che le forze della difesa australiana devono venire ristrutturate per affrontare le sfide strategiche dell’era moderna.
Il ministro della difesa Richard Marles ha annunciato che i fondi potenzieranno le basi aeree, di terra e marittime a Darwin e nel nord.
"Australia needs to have the capacity to project. That our defence force needs to have the capacity to project. And as the Defence Strategic Review observed in looking at that projection, our northern bases are a massive asset for our country. And are absolutely fundamentally important to being the platform for that projection."
** Health Minister Mark Butler addresses medicine shortage issue
** Australian man goes missing from Hawaii cruiser
Health Minister Mark Butler has hit back against the claims by the Pharmacy Guild that changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme will lead to medicine shortages.
Under the changes which begin in September, some Australians will be eligible to get 60 days' worth of medication on the one prescription.
The pharmacy lobby group says the change will lead to medicine shortages but Health Minister Mark Butler says that's not the case.
"Seven of these 325 is the advice I've received from the medicine's authorities. In addition to that, there are some brands of medicines that are in short supply as well but the advice to me from the medicine's authority is that there are alternative brands available, for example for people who need cholesterol medication or blood pressure medication. So, I think this is a case of the pharmacy lobby seeking to sort of ramp up concerns that people might have about a policy that just makes good sense."
An Australian man has gone missing after falling overboard on a cruise ship bound for Hawaii.
The man was a passenger on the Royal Caribbean Cruises ship Quantum Of The Seas, which had departed a couple of weeks ago from the port of Brisbane.
The crew participated in the search for the passenger but after they were unable to find him, the cruise ship has continued with its scheduled trip.
The U-S Coastal Guard has now taken up the search.
The Federal Government has announced $3.8 billion to improve Australia's defence bases in the north of the country over the next four years.
The money comes after the recommendation was made in the landmark Defence Strategic Review, which was released in declassified form earlier this week.
The review found Australia's defence force needed to be overhauled to face the strategic challenges of the modern era.
Defence Minister Richard Marles says the money will upgrade air, land and maritime bases in Darwin, and across the north.
"Australia needs to have the capacity to project. That our defence force needs to have the capacity to project. And as the Defence Strategic Review observed in looking at that projection, our northern bases are a massive asset for our country. And are absolutely fundamentally important to being the platform for that projection."