Ep.138: The new sounds of Australia

A man plays a didgeridoo at an Australia Day event.

A man plays a didgeridoo at an Australia Day event. Source: AP

Pioneering Indigenous dance songs, a famous election jingle and a true-blue classic have been officially immortalised in the nation's recording history. They're among the latest eclectic and quintessential Australian sounds to be registered in the national archives.


"It's Time" -  ha dichiarato il National Film and Sound Archive -per l’iconica canzone elettorale dei laburisti nel 1972 di venire accolta nella Hall of Fame delle registrazioni d’Australia. 

Sound up Yes it's time! It's Time for freedom

La melodia orecchiabile che annunciò la conquista di Gough Whitlam dell’incarico di primo ministro dopo 23 anni di governo della Coalizione è una delle dieci nuove entrate nel registro di Sounds of Australia.

Il curatore dell’archivio Nick Henderson ritiene che si trattasse di un jingle innovativo. 

“It was one of the first that brought quite a popular - in a way glamorous - vision of politics in Australia." 

Ogni anno, come parte del progetto Sounds of Australia, viene chiesto al pubblico di nominare delle registrazioni che hanno aiutato a plasmare la storia e la cultura australiana.

Una commissione di esperti dell’industria poi sceglie quelli da immortalare da una rosa di 40 candidati.

Nick Henderson rivela che alcune delle registrazioni archiviate risalgono al 1896. 

“What we are looking for is impact on Australia. So that doesn't have to be just popularity. it could be significance in a whole range of different ways." 

Ecco una collezione di canzoni di danze aborigine che hanno presentato al mondo il didgeridoo ... 


Tra le ultime selezionate, registrazioni souvenir della cerimonia di chiusura delle Olimpiadi di Melbourne e quello che è di fatto l’inno nazionale True Blue. 

SOUND UP Hey True Blue

Troviamo anche un classico della band australiana degli anni ’60 e ’70 The Masters Apprentices. 

SOUND UP "It's because I love you...

Il bassista della band ora impresario musicale Glenn Wheatley ha dichiarato che questo onore giunge quando "Because I Love You" celebra il suo 50esimo anniversario... 

"We decided to go to London to record and we fortunately got to do the album at Abbey Road, the studio frequented of course by the Beatles." 

Il musicista ha aggiunto che si tratterà di un tributo duraturo per lo scomparso cantante Jim Keays, che è morto di cancro sei anni fa. 

"Unfortunately Jim is no longer with us but he would have been very proud of this."


"It's Time" - the National Film and Sound Archive has declared - for Labor's iconic 1972 campaign song to be inducted into Australia's recording Hall of Fame. 

Sound up Yes it's time! It's Time for freedom

The catchy tune which heralded Gough Whitlam's rise to the prime ministership after 23 years of Coalition rule is one of ten new additions to the Sounds of Australia registry. 

Archive curator Nick Henderson says it was a groundbreaking jingle. 

“It was one of the first that brought quite a popular - in a way glamorous - vision of politics in Australia." 

As part of the Sounds of Australia project, each year the public is asked to nominate recordings that have helped shape Australian history and culture. 

A panel of industry experts then chooses from a shortlist of 40 the ones to be immortalised.  

Nick Henderson says some of the archived recordings date back to as early as 1896. 

What we are looking for is impact on Australia. So that doesn't have to be just popularity. it could be significance in a whole range of different ways." 

A collection of Indigenous dance songs that took the didgeridoo to the world ... 


Souvenir recordings of the Melbourne Olympics closing ceremony, and John Williamson's de-facto national anthem True Blue are among the latest selected ... 

SOUND UP Hey True Blue

There's also a classic from 60s and 70s Australian band The Masters Apprentices. 

SOUND UP "It's because I love you... 

The band's bass player and now music entrepreneur Glenn Wheatley says the honour comes as "Because I Love You" celebrates its 50 anniversary... 

"We decided to go to London to record and we fortunately got to do the album at Abbey Road, the studio frequented of course by the Beatles." 

He says it will be a lasting tribute to late lead singer Jim Keays, who died of cancer six years ago. 

"Unfortunately Jim is no longer with us but he would have been very proud of this."

Report by Gareth Boreham
