Emma e Julio Vega sono diventati nonni quest'anno.
A marzo si stavano preparando a trasferirsi in Australia dal Perù per aiutare la figlia Valeria con il nuovo arrivato, ma la chiusura dei confini ha messo fine ai piani.
"It was the worst news I've heard in my life to hear that we couldn't go"
In base al divieto di viaggio a causa del COVID-19, solo ai parenti stretti di un cittadino australiano o residente permanente è consentito di entrare nel paese.
Ma i genitori non sono considerati parenti stretti.
Ciò ha provocato angoscia in decine di migliaia di famiglie in tutta l'Australia e nel mondo, compresa quella di Valeria Greenfield, che vive a Brisbane.
"It's really hard not having their emotional support, not having their presence, not seeing my parents holding the baby"
Anche Simone Holmes è giunta al punto di rottura.
Ha cercato di portare la madre vedova dalla Svizzera in Australia per tutto l'anno.
"You've got to look at the mental health and the emotional strain that this puts on us is incredible, we are just losing hope"
Affermano che si occuperanno di tutti i costi relativi al viaggio e al soggiorno dei genitori, compresi i costosi visti, la quarantena e le esigenze sanitarie.
Ciò permetterebbe anche a Valeria di tornare prima al lavoro a tempo pieno.
"They actually take their money with them and spend it here so instead of saying they're a burden - no, they actually would be good for the economy"
Sono tra le oltre 11.000 persone che hanno firmato una petizione che è stata presentata al parlamento federale questa settimana da un membro del governo, la deputata liberale Celia Hammond.
"Parents are a key part of an emotional support system for many immigrants and their families.. on behalf of all signatories, I present this petition"
Su questo tema, l'Australia è un’anomalia; altri paesi, come il Canada, stanno permettendo ai genitori dei cittadini di entrare nel paese durante la pandemia.
Ora, con un membro dello stesso partito che chiede il cambiamento, la pressione sul governo per agire sta crescendo.
Il ministro dell'immigrazione ad intrerim Alan Tudge e il ministro degli Affari interni Peter Dutton non hanno risposto alla nostra richiesta di commento.
Dutton ha fino a 90 giorni per rispondere alla petizione.
"Please we're asking you to give us a positive response or otherwise provide us with a plan for the future"
Emma and Julio Vega became grandparents this year.
They were preparing to move to Australia from Peru in March to help their daughter Valeria with her new arrival but closed borders stalled plans.
"It was the worst news I've heard in my life to hear that we couldn't go"
Under the covid-19 travel ban, only immediate family of an Australian citizen or permanent resident is allowed to enter the country.
But parents aren't considered immediate family.
That's prompted heartache for tens of thousands of families across Australia and the world - including Valeria Greenfield who lives in Brisbane.
“It's really hard not having their emotional support, not having their presence, not seeing my parents holding the baby"
Simone Holmes is also at breaking point.
She's been trying to get her widowed mother in Switzerland to Australia all year.
"You've got to look at the mental health and the emotional strain that this puts on us is incredible, we are just losing hope"
They say all costs related to their parents' travel and stay will be covered, including expensive visas, quarantine and health needs.
It would also allow someone like Valeria to get back to full-time work sooner.
"They actually take their money with them and spend it here so instead of saying they're a burden - no, they actually would be good for the economy"
They're among more than 11,000 people to sign a petition, which was presented to federal parliament this week by a member of the government - Liberal MP Celia Hammond.
"Parents are a key part of an emotional support system for many immigrants and their families.. on behalf of all signatories, I present this petition"
On this issue, Australia is an outlier; other countries such as Canada are allowing parents of citizens into the country during the pandemic.
Now with a member of its own party calling for change, the pressure on the government to act is growing.
Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton have not replied to our request for comment.
Mr Dutton has up to 90 days to respond to the petition.
"Please we're asking you to give us a positive response or otherwise provide us with a plan for the future"
Report by Catalina Florez