Anthony Albanese on the legacy of Italian migration

Ethiopian New Year message from Anthony Albanese

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese Source: AAP

Federal Opposition Leader, Anthony Albanese, will be attending the official opening of the Norton Street Italian Festa on Sunday. SBS Italian spoke with him to talk about the meaning of this celebration today and what is the legacy of Italian migration.

Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese will be attending the official opening of the Norton Street Italian Festa on Sunday.

SBS Italian asked him what is the meaning of this celebration.

"It is a great celebration of the Italian community and in particular of the Italian community that is based around the the inner-west of Sydney. So around not just Leichhardt, but around Lilydale, Five Dock, Haberfield."

But what is the deep meaning of this celebration today, at a time in which the Italian community is no longer a newly migrants' community?

"I think that one of the things that is a contribution for is just that. The Italian community has been in Australia for now more than 200 years, but in particular there were waves of migration at the beginning of the twentieth century post-WW2 era. And then in more recent times, of course, we have seen a lot of young people come to Australia to work and some of them settled here as well. We have had, of course, an Italian Premier of New South Wales in Morris Iemma. And now we have a fellow called 'Albanese' that is running for Prime minister of Australia" said Mr Albanese.

"One of things that we do is we celebrate the contribution of Italo-Australians that can be seen in the arts, that can be seen in the opera, in rock music. That can be seen in terms of contribution in business, contribution to education, contribution to healthcare. Right across Australian society you will find people who can trace their origins to Italy. There is around about a million Australians in a population of 25 million."

"It is really a celebration of the success of multiculturalism and, of course, the nature of Australia has been changed by the fact that we have all been affected by being able to live in society whereby we can experience a little bit of Italy, or Portugal, Greece, China, United States or United kingdom. As well as to have the grate privilege that we have here in Australia of having the oldest continuing civilisation on the planet, going back literally thousands of generations with Aboriginal people."

And during our interview, Mr Albanese talks about how the history of Italian integration in Australia is an example of the success of the Australian multicultural society.

"The Italian community has been successful in integrating into the wider Australian community whilst also managing to maintain its identity. That is the great benefit of Australian multiculturalism. It is that people are able to recognise their heritage, celebrate their heritage whilst making a contribution and being part of the overall Australian story."

Listen to our full interview with Anthony Albanese

Anthony Albanese on the legacy of Italian migration image

Anthony Albanese on the legacy of Italian migration

SBS Italian

