With this first episode of our series we introduce you to the genre of gialli which will take us through various Italian cities, from North to South, from the mainland to the islands.
Gialli are Italian crime fiction books. The name comes from the covers of a popular Italian series of crime ficton stories launched by publisher Mondadori in 1929, which were yellow (in Italian: giallo).
Our tour guide in this "Italian journey" is Dr Barbara Pezzotti, who starts from Milan, "the crime scene par excellence", and will take us next to Turin, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Sicily and Sardinia.
Reading list about Milan suggested by Barbara Pezzotti
- Giorgio Scerbanenco, Traditori di tutti. Milano: Garzanti, 1966
- Giorgio Scerbanenco, Venere privata. Milano: Garzanti, 1966.
- Piero Colaprico e Pietro Valpreda, La nevicata dell’85. Milano: Marco Tropea, 2001.
- Andrea G. Pinketts, Il conto dell’ultima cena. Milano: Mondadori, 2000.
- Andrea G. Pinketts, Il senso della frase, Milano: Feltrinelli, 1995.
- Sandrone Dazieri, Attenti al Gorilla. Milano: Mondadori, 1999.
- Elisabetta Bucciarelli, Happy Hour. Milano: Mursia, 2005.
- Rosa Teruzzi, La fioraia del Giambellino. Milano: Sonzogno, 2017
Barbara Pezzotti is a Monash University lecturer and the author of the book The Importance of Place in Contemporary Italian Crime Fiction: A Bloody Journey, published by in 2012.
Barbara Pezzotti Source: Magica Fossati
Listen to the podcast (in Italian)
A journey through Italian crime fiction: Milan
SBS Italian