See the best and most diverse films at the ReelOzInd! 2024


Berbagai macam karya yang beragam hadir dalam ReelOzInd! 2024 Source: Supplied / ReelOzInd!

ReelOzInd! kembali dan screening perdana digelar pada 24 Oktober lalu di ACMI, Melbourne.

ReelOzInd! is back and the first screening was held on October 24 at ACMI, Melbourne.

There were a total of 24 films that were short-listed into four different categories. However, there were nine films that were screened at the day.

These films were films that received special awards and were considered the best in each category.

After the screening, a Q&A session was held with Nadia Syarifah and Miranda Anwar. They are the director and actors in the film "Interlude".
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