Podcast Series
SBS Hungarian
Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Hungarian. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at sbs.com.au/hungarian or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you
Good bye - after 18 years!
18/11/2017 11:47
Stringer’s message – Peter Serenyi
18/11/2017 08:57
Stringer’s message – Daniel Istvan Kiraly
18/11/2017 08:25
Stringer’s message – Zoltán Farkas
18/11/2017 09:32
KID reports: in Hungary grandmothers are young
14/11/2017 03:49
Viva: Unwritten rules of grandparenting
14/11/2017 07:31
Life long effects
14/11/2017 03:25
Genetic causes of the risk
14/11/2017 03:20
Stringer reports: Mr Peter Medgyessy says, FIDESZ will win
11/11/2017 04:24
A child is born – needs a certificate - ask the consul!
11/11/2017 06:06
KID reports: high quality education – foreign students
11/11/2017 04:34
Small businesses increasingly turning to migrant workers
11/11/2017 03:06