Lub ntsiab lus ntawm lo lus freedom of speech ces raug teev tseg tias yog cov kev muaj peev xwm tawm tau tswv yim, qhia ttxog yus cov kev ntseeg yam tsis tas ntshai tias tsam raug txwv, raug pauj los yog raug lwm tus txiav txim - tab sis peb kuj tsis muaj peev xwm yuav ua tau li ntawd thiab.
Freedom of speech ces yeej yog lub hauv paus tseem ceeb ntawm tib neeg txoj cai uas tau txais kev ywj pheej ntawm tej teb chaws tswj hwm democracy.
Raws li Lorraine Finlay uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Australian Human Rights hais ces ''nqe cai 19 ntawm tsab cai Universal Declaration of Human Rights thiab nqe cai 19 ntawm tsab cai International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights yeej tau teev tias yog ib co kev tawm tau tswv yim ywj pheej thiab qhia txog ib tug twg cov kev xav uas yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev ntawm tib neeg txoj cai thiab yog tej yam uas ntau lub teb chaws muaj lub luag hauj lwm yuav tau pov puag.''
Finlay hais tias 'Thaum tsim Australia tej txhooj cai tswj haiv siv ces tej nom tsim cai tsis xav tias tsab cai bill of rights yog tej yam tseem ceeb vim cov kev tswj hwm parliamentary democracy yog txoj xub ke zoo tshaj plaws los pov puag tib neeg tej cai lawm.''
Txhais tau tias tsev tsoom fwv yog tus tswj lub luag hauj lwm los pov puag neeg Australia cov freedom of speech.
Tab sis peb kuj tsis muaj peev xwm yuav tawm tau tswv yim raws li qhov peb xav ua thiab vim rau qhov tias yeej muaj ntau yam cai coj los siv pov puag peb tej neeg los yog peb tej zejzog, li yuav txwv tsis puab hais lus phem, hais lus ua rau lwm tus puas koob npe, faib cais ib tug twg los yog siv lub tswv yim extrimism.
Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , thiab . Downloadthiab caum