India’s Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj has ensured that a non-resident Indian on a short visit to India with her infant can ‘stay for Diwali’ after her little child’s visa was about to expire.
An Indian Australian doctor, Aditi Chandak sought Minister Swaraj’s help when she needed to extend her infant’s e-visa.
Dr. Chandak’s two-month-old baby arrived in India on a short term e-visa granted on her Australian passport. Dr. Chandak who is an Indian passport holder wrote to Ms. Swaraj on Twitter requesting her allow to extend her infant’s stay in India so that she could ‘celebrate Diwali with her family’.
Earlier Dr. Chandak had also tweeted to other Indian authorities to consider her request.
Shortly after her tweet, she received a response from India’s foreign minister. Swaraj tweeted saying that the baby will celebrate her first Diwali with her grandparents. She also wished her Diwali greetings.
OCI cards enough to visit India; no visa required anymore!