What does it truly mean to be successful in community arts?

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Bong Ramilo (right) from Darwin Community Artists is in Melbourne to discuss 'Possibilities and Problems in Community Arts and Cultural Development in Multicultural Australia'. Credit: SBS Filipino

Community theatre is an important platform in tackling issues and delivering messages. It is vital in facilitating conversations between generations, cultures, and communities.

Key Points
  • Community arts was formed in the seventies founded under Australia Council for the Arts (Creative Australia).
  • Community arts can take in many forms that involve creating avenues for onversations.
  • It is an opportunity for collaboration betwprofessional artists and community artists.een
'There are many definitions of success. Success is relative to your goal. If you wish to engage with a community, and it results in active participation from within the community; then you are successful. If you make a profit, then it is an even better result, ' on the definition of success in community arts.

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Rediscovering my Filipino self through art

SBS Filipino

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Pinoy-Aussie Saluhan : Discovering and re-discovering what is it to be Filipino in Australia

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