Learn Dutch - Episode 4: How are you? and I'm...


Credit: CC0 1.0 / Rijksmuseum

In this podcast series you will learn a few Dutch words and pronunciations every week in a few minutes. The lessons are in English and are hosted by Dutch teacher Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce. In this episode you learn how to introduce yourself and how to ask how someone is doing.

Words from lesson 4: How are you? and I'm...

How are you?Hoe gaat het?
I'm good.Het gaat goed.
I'm [insert your name].Ik ben [je naam].
What's your name?Hoe heet jij?
She's [insert name]. OR
Her name is [insert name].
Dit is [naam].
Zij heet [naam].
Nice to meet you.Leuk je te ontmoeten.
