Thuec kura African cup of Nations pan South Australia

African cup of nations SA

SA Team South Sudanese Australians Credit: Supplied by Deng Deng Akol

Akutnhiim Thuëc kura African cup of Nations pan South Australia

African cup of Nation aye rëël thuëc bɛ̈ɛ̈i juec pɛn Auɛtralia yiic eben kɔc akutnhom wuot Africa eben.

"Thuëc kura kën kɔc bɛ̈i etok ku kek kɔc matic bïk rot nhiäär ee rin ye yen këne maat nhiim mɛ̈n tɛn riënythii. Tɛ ye ɣɛn ye yiök ke looithok thin kïïn erin aci karɛɛc rot looi tɛn riënythii tekic tɛ̈n keek erin arilic bi raan luel lɛ ka thaar kek mɛ̈nhkën ku ke thuëc yen ke bïï kɔc yen tɛ yen ɣɛn ye tïïŋ ke looi thok thïïn kän.". Aci Deng Deng Akol (Defire) luel.
