Kɔc Junup Thudan thuëc Kura African of nations NSW.

SS Football Team

South Sudan Football team in the quarterfinal of African Cup of Nations Credit: SBS Dinka/ Akuar Dut Malek

Akutnhom thuëc kura aci Ivory Coast tiäm 7 thuecden yic African Cup of Nations kɔc ka thiäär ku detem (Quarter Final) pɛn New South Wales.

Akut thuec kura ee South Sudan pan New South Wales ɣa caath ke reel nhiim nhial wɛ̈t ci kek Ivory Coast tiäm 7 dhorou ke cïn ke cïk bɛ̈i.

Africa Cup of Nations aci akut thuëc ci yen käŋ nyiäi kënë yic rou ku akut thuëc kura pɛn Junup Thudan thiëc bi kɔc bɛn bei bïk dai kek tiɛ̈ɛ̈m kek
kɔc thuëc kek thin.

Aci Mathiang Aguer luel na ci piŋ ke cïï raan keek piɔ̈ɔ̈c pïŋ ka leu bïk bɛn dhuökic bi kɔc kɔ̈k bɛn tiäm ruön këne yic.
