Ajuier Easter e Australia ku kok juec ke cieŋde

Australia Explained - Easter

Social and cultural Easter traditions Australians follow, beyond religion Credit: Fly View Productions/Getty Images

Easter anɛŋ ajuier pieth awɛn ye ca toh etoŋ kirithanoi. Ku agut ci kɔc ci gam e ciɛŋ waaɔ wenne kɔc awɛn ken gam, ee kol awɛn benne kɔc ke nɛŋ kol e loŋ yenne public holiday leer thok agut ci weekend awɛn baar kou, amatnhom awɛn kɔc ku kok juec yekke looi biyiic, ku yan wɛn ke pool yenne ke mieth laar thin. Ka ku e ki.

Key Points
  • Easter is a moveable observance that typically falls in autumn in Australia, often coinciding with school holidays.
  • Beyond its religious significance, Easter is viewed culturally as a time for family gatherings, community connection, travel, festivals, and outdoor activities.
  • The Easter bilby is a uniquely Australian tradition, replacing the Easter bunny as the bearer of chocolate eggs.
