
A man brandishes the most recognisable and final colonial flag of Hong Kong, as crowds amassed outside police headquarters in Admiralty.

A man brandishes the most recognisable and final colonial flag of Hong Kong, as crowds amassed outside police headquarters in Admiralty. Source: SBS News/Omar Dabbagh

就 8.18 維園集會,香港政府發新聞稿回應,指「雖然集會期間大致和平,但由於參與者佔用了港島多條主要幹道,路面交通大受影響,對市民造成不便。」 究竟民陣又有何感想?還有,前律政司長、基本法委員會前副主任梁愛詩昨日出席電台節目,被問及有關中國中央出動解放軍介入香港修例爭議的疑慮時,她有些什麽答案呢?詳情,請收聽張慕澄於「中港快訊」裏的報導。   
