

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Education Minister Dan Tehan at the announcement

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Education Minister Dan Tehan at the announcement Source: AAP


根據刊登的最新 Newspoll 民意調查顯示,兩大政黨比較方面兩黨聯盟以 46-54 比率落後聯邦工黨。

兩黨聯盟在首選票方面,由「逼宮」事件發生後的 33% 回升至目前的 36%,較上一次調查上升 2%。

而聯邦工黨的支持率已由 42% 下跌至 39%。
Primary vote, September 24 2018
Source: The Australian
調查訪問了全國 1,675 名選民;今次是兩黨聯盟領導地位挑戰發生後,首次出現的民意回升。

調查結果顯示,雖然兩黨聯盟的基本票連續 41 次落後於工黨,但亦正不斷上升。

首選總理方面,現任總理莫理遜的民望則繼續以 45-32 領先反對黨領袖索頓。
Two-party preferred, September 24 2018
Source: The Australian
Better PM, September 24, 2018
Source: The Australian
Scott Morrison remains the preferred prime minister over Bill Shorten in the latest Newspoll.
Scott Morrison remains the preferred prime minister over Bill Shorten in the latest Newspoll. Source: AAP


Published 24 September 2018 10:09am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:39pm
By Winmas Yu, Jennifer Mok, James Elton-Pym

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