工黨提出針對移民羈留者草案受阻 目前情況如何?


A man in parliament wearing a suit

移民部長賈爾斯(Andrew Giles)在國會為草案護航時表示,那些不配合政府試圖將其遣返的移民羈留者,正在「破壞我們移民法的完整性」。 Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

  • 兩黨聯盟、綠黨和獨立及少數黨議員,在參議院聯手推遲了立法的通過。
  • 如獲通過,這些法律將對不配合驅逐行動的羈留移民處以監禁。
  • 立法如獲通過,部長還將有權禁止向不接收遣返者的國家批出簽證,包括旅遊簽證。




周二,眾議院通過了這項草案,其中包括最高5年的監禁和93,000元的罰款。 如最終獲得通過,部長還將有權禁止向拒絕接收遣返者的國家批出簽證。

在野兩黨聯盟內政事務發言人帕特森(James Paterson)說,如果沒有適當的審查去處理意想不到的後果,兩黨聯盟很難支援該草案立即通過。

帕特森說:「(政府)無法解釋這將影響多少人,無法解釋這將對即將進行的最高法院訴訟,產生甚麼影響,無法解釋他們將如何或何時使用這項立法。 」


該草案是在最高法院對一名被稱為 ASF17 的伊朗公民做出判決前推出的的,這名伊朗公民通過法律途徑爭取自由。

早前,最高法院作出一項裁決,對於那些無法被遣返回第三國的人而言,無限期羈留是違法的。 如今這名男子正在尋求這項裁決也適用於拒絕配合遣返的羈留者。

政府於上週五收到了立法草案。 周三是最高法院裁決前國會休會前的最後一日會期。


金融部長加拉格爾(Katy Gallagher)表示,政府收到的建議,是該草案需在本周通過。

獨立議員瑞恩(Monique Ryan)擔心,該立法可能意味著,如果政府在確定某人是否是難民時出現失誤,他們可能會遣返到其生命受到威脅的國家。

但工黨前排議員鮑文(Chris Bowen)說,有關人士有很多機會申請庇護。

他向澳洲廣播公司ABC新聞:「我們現在談論的是那些已來到澳洲、簽證逾期或以虛假藉口來澳的人。 」



參議員法魯奇(Mehreen Faruqi)說:「這是權力和特權被用來維持壓迫和邊緣化制度的眾多陰險方式之一。 」

人權法律中心(Human Rights Law Centre)認為,快速處理其中一些申請,意味著這些申請或將難以獲得充份考慮。

內政部常任秘書長福斯特(Stephanie Foster)說,這些法律是為了填補移民系統的漏洞而儘快起草的。

移民部長賈爾斯(Andrew Giles)在國會為這些法律護航時表示,那些不配合政府試圖將其遣返的移民羈留者,正在「破壞我們移民法的完整性」。


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Laws that would impose a mandatory minimum one-year prison sentence for immigration detainees who don't cooperate with attempts to deport them have been held up and sent to an inquiry.

Labor tried to push legislation through parliament this week.

The Coalition, Greens and crossbench teamed up in the Senate on Wednesday to delay its passing and send it to a parliamentary inquiry as they questioned the need for urgency.

Why was the passing of the legislation delayed?

The legislation, which passed the lower house on Tuesday, also included penalties of up to five years behind bars and a $93,000 fine. The minister would also have the power to ban visa classes for countries that don't accept deportees.

It was difficult for the Opposition to support its immediate passage without proper scrutiny in case of unintended consequences, Opposition home affairs spokesperson James Paterson said.

Concerns include that banning visas from a particular country could lead to an increase in people trying to illegally sail to Australia with the use of people smugglers.

"[The government] couldn't explain how many people this would affect, they couldn't explain what the consequences of this would be for any upcoming High Court cases, they couldn't explain how or when they would use this legislation," Paterson said.

What happens next?

The laws come ahead of a who has made a legal bid for freedom.

The man is seeking to have an earlier High Court ruling, that indefinite immigration detention was illegal for those who could not be returned to a third country, also cover detainees who refuse to cooperate with their deportation.

The government received the draft legislation on Friday after commissioning it to pre-empt the court's 17 April ruling.

Wednesday is parliament's last sitting day before the ruling.
The Opposition would support parliament being recalled if the government made the case for its urgency or pass legislation after the decision, Paterson said.

"The government has also said they're confident about their prospects in the ASF17 case," he said.

"If they somehow fail in this case ... we stand ready to bring the parliament back."

The government had received advice that the legislation needed to be passed in this sitting week, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher said.

Independent MP Monique Ryan raised concerns the legislation could mean that, if the government makes a mistake when determining if someone is a refugee or not, they could be deported to a country where their lives were at risk.

But there were numerous opportunities for a person to apply for asylum, Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen said.

"We are talking about people who came to Australia, overstayed a visa or came under false pretences," he told ABC News.

Why has the bill been criticised?

The Greens have attacked the bill, saying it would unfairly punish asylum seekers.

"This is one of the many insidious ways power and privilege are wielded to perpetuate systems of oppression and marginalisation," senator Mehreen Faruqi said.

Fast-tracking some of these applications meant they wouldn't be fully considered, the Human Rights Law Centre argued.

The laws were drafted as quickly as possible to patch gaps in the immigration system, Home Affairs Department secretary Stephanie Foster said.

People not cooperating was "undermining the integrity of our migration laws", Immigration Minister Andrew Giles told parliament as he defended the laws.

They were in line with Australia's human rights obligations, he said.

Published 28 March 2024 4:58pm
Source: AAP

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