

The young girl had been at Tickle Park with family and friends on January 4 when the according to police she wandered into a toilet block and was assaulted.

Source: Google; Yahoo!7

報道,一名四歲女童在昆州陽光海岸一個著名泳灘附近,走進一個男女共用的「中性廁所」(unisex toilet),期間被一名男子猥褻侵犯。

警方表示,該名女童於 1 月 4 日下午與家人及朋友前往昆州 Coolum 區的 Tickle Park,期間她獨自走進附近一個「中性廁所」。

一名男子其後進入該廁所並對她作出性侵行為,估計事發時間為下午 4 時半至 5 時半之間。

The toilet block where the incident occurred is located at the end of Tickle Park closest to Coolum Surf Club.
Source: Google; Yahoo!7
事件發生於 1 月 4 日,但警方在上週五(11 日)才在記者會上向公眾通報事件。


,一名 26 歲男子於布里斯本北部 North Lakes 一個購物商場內的 Kmart 百貨公司分店內,拐走一名七歲女童到附近一處叢林,並向其作出性侵犯行為。警方在三天後才向外公佈事件。

警方透露,該名男子相信身穿短褲及 T 恤,可能擁有白色或淺色頭髮;警方呼籲任何目擊事件或目擊任何可疑情況的人士,盡快與警方聯絡。

同時,警方亦希望任何在上述時間駛經 Tickle Park 的駕駛者,向當局提供行車紀錄錄像。
A shoppers leaves a Kmart store in Sydney on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015. Wesfarmers total sales for the quarter were up 11.6 per cent to $2.5 billion compared to the same period last year. (AAP Image/Paul Miller) NO ARCHIVING
The girl was taken from a Kmart store at a Queensland shopping centre. Source: AAP


Published 14 January 2019 7:30pm
By Winmas Yu

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