
你还记得近十年前悬挂在悉尼唐人街德信街路口上访的彩灯穹顶吗?这个曾被人们亲切地称为“ 倒挂的海碗”的大型光纤艺术展品,时隔多年后终于重归“故里”。

Dixon Street, China - 6th April 2017. The City has reinstalled three light artworks along Dixon St in Chinatown 20 years after they were removed for building works. Artist Peter McGregor has been working with the City to restore and install the lights.

The City has reinstalled three light artworks along Dixon St in Chinatown 20 years after they were removed for building works. Source: supplied by city of sydney

Dixon Street, China - 6th April 2017. The City has reinstalled three light artworks along Dixon St in Chinatown 20 years after they were removed for building works. Artist Peter McGregor has been working with the City to restore and install the lights.
The City has reinstalled three light artworks along Dixon St in Chinatown 20 years after they were removed for building works. Source: supplied by city of sydney
最初的这两组作品的布局和色彩框架均出自国际设计专业公司Hassel事务所城市景观设计师兼建筑设计师肯·马赫(Ken Maher)和建筑设计兼风水专家蔡洪(Howard Choy)之手。也正因如此,坊间传说,这些灯光装置是根据风水和八卦而来,可以兴旺唐人街。

由于当地建筑开发工程的缘故,《天堂》同原悬于唐人街德信街的部分彩灯穹顶(Dixon Street Light Screens),不得不在2008年至2013年期间与唐人街暂别。

继四年前小禧街(Little Hay Street)上的14盏极具东方韵味的建筑外墙彩绘灯笼重现唐人街之后,这两组彩灯艺术展品也相继回归“故土”。
Dixon Street, China - 6th April 2017. The City has reinstalled three light artworks along Dixon St in Chinatown 20 years after they were removed for building works. Artist Peter McGregor has been working with the City to restore and install the lights.
Artist Peter McGregor has been working with the City to restore and install the lights. Source: supplied by city of sydney
悉尼市市长Clover Moore称,该大型彩灯艺术品的回归受到了本土居民、游客和店铺的欢迎。

“随着德信(Dixon)、汤姆斯(Thomas)、多发利(Factory)、小禧街、金贝里巷(Kimber Lane)优化改造工程的展开,唐人街所在的禧市地区(Haymarket)呈现出了瞬息万变的面貌,逐步演变成为以人为本、绿树成荫的城市一角,为人们提供了更玄彩的照明装饰、更多的座椅和引人注目的公众艺术展品。

两组彩灯艺术展品的回归工程历时2,700个小时,耗资58万。参与本次艺术作品回归工程的,来自悉尼Surry Hills的建筑设计师兼艺术家彼得·麦格雷格(Peter McGregor)为艺术品的回归而感到欣慰。他说: “为之赞叹的是 —— 在这些艺术品初次亮相的年代,我们还没有社交媒体,也没有自拍和在线图片分享的平台;而今,所有艺术品的回归赋予其重生的机会,在完全不同的时代迎接新一代数字技术的关注。”

来自澳大利亚设计工程机构Ryan Wilks公司的麦克莱恩·华莱士(Maclean Wallace)担任本次艺术品回归工程项目负责人,他说:“原有的彩灯系列及其硬件设备已经老化。”“因此需要填补新的彩灯、电缆、配线、控制系统以及结构材料,以便清洁和修复,并对其进行编程、重组,使其恢复往日光辉。”

Published 21 November 2017 2:16pm
Updated 21 November 2017 2:28pm

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