任正非 — 將來特朗普想買,我也不一定賣給他Play08:04Ren during a Bloomberg Television interview on May 24. Source: Bloomberg (Qilai Shen)SBS CantoneseView Podcast SeriesGet the SBS Audio appOther ways to listenApple PodcastsYouTubeSpotifyListnrDownload (14.77MB) 一向行事低調的華為創始人兼 CEO 任正非早前接受了美國彭博 (Bloomberg) 電視台訪問,訪問昨日播出。似乎,自從任正非女兒兼華為高層孟晚舟被加拿大逮捕,再加上美國 5 月 17 日把華為打入黑名單以來,任正非一改過往低調作風,接受了中央廣播電視台和不同海外媒體的採訪。究竟今次任正非對彭博記者說了些什麽?請聼溫楚良和宋慶勤的報導。READ MORE任正非:华为愿向苹果出售5G晶片任正非:華為願向蘋果出售5G晶片任正非接受西方傳媒訪問 指美國「不可能扼殺掉」華為ShareLatest podcast episodesCalvin has driven buses in Australia and Hong Kong. He lists the 'big differences'[Cantonese] Australia and its people | Episode 1[Cantonese] Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties | Episode 2[Cantonese] Government and the law | Episode 3